Tell us your experience of being dismissed from work due to mental illness

Rishi Sunak has announced new restrictions on the Personal Independence Payment (Pip) and says he is considering whether some cash payments to claimants with mental health conditions could be replaced with treatment or access to services.

In a speech on wellbeing on Friday, he also set out a move to shift responsibility for issuing fit notes, previously known as sick notes, from GPs to other “work and health professionals” to encourage more people to return to work. to go to work.

We would like to hear about your experiences with being dismissed from work due to a mental illness. How did you find the process? What do you think of the Prime Minister’s comments? Do you have any concerns?

You can use this form to tell us about your experience with being discharged due to mental health problems.

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Share your experience

You can use this form to tell us about your experience with being discharged due to mental health problems.

Your responses, which may be anonymous, are secure because the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the information you provide to us for the purpose of the position and we will delete any personal information when we no longer need it for this purpose. For true anonymity, you can use our SecureDrop service instead.