Tell us: Share your experience with IVF in the US

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled Friday that frozen embryos are “children,” in a ruling that could have far-reaching consequences for people undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The decision shows that someone who “destroyed” embryos could be held liable in a wrongful death lawsuit, a finding that could put parents and clinics at risk and has prompted warnings that Alabama fertility clinics could be forced to to close doors.

If you’ve had IVF, the Guardian wants to hear from you. What is your opinion on the Alabama ruling? What do you think this could mean for expectant parents in the state – and the rest of the US?

You can tell us about your IVF experience and your reaction to the Alabama ruling by completing the form below.

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Share your experience

You can tell us about your IVF experience and your reaction to the Alabama ruling by completing the form below.

Your responses, which may be anonymous, are secure because the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the information you provide to us for the purpose of the position and we will delete any personal information when we no longer need it for this purpose. For true anonymity, you can use our SecureDrop service instead.

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