Teenage wife says she is ‘sick of trolls telling her she’ll regret being pregnant at 19’ – and says she is happier settling down than partying

A young woman from Britain has spoken out about how people deceived her because she was married and pregnant at a young age.

Louise Kilic is engaged to a man from Turkey and is pregnant with his child, with the two currently in a long-distance relationship which she posts about on TikTok, where her handle is @louisekilicx.

But even though their situation is difficult, Louise seems extremely excited about the future and about her plans to start a family with her Turkish fiancé.

And she also seems unfazed by the couple's young age, repeatedly noting that young motherhood can be very healthy, both with the two of them and with the baby.

Despite her extremely positive outlook and her messages making it very clear that she is very excited about the pregnancy, she has received negative feedback, she said. the sun.

Louise Kilic shows off her wedding ring in a TikTok video that calls for her to show off her new surname

Louise told the Sun that she regularly receives negative reactions from people who comment on her life choices.

They're judging whether the decisions she's made now will be decisions he'll still be happy with when she's older.

And they can be very judgmental and invasive in their thoughts.

She said people have said, “You're going to regret getting married and having kids at 19.”

But she already has her own answer to this question – which she has thought about and already knows what she thinks about it.

Louise will respond, “What are you sorry about? To be loved by the same man for the rest of my life?'

Now when it comes to starting a family with her husband, she also has a reaction. She asks: 'Or [will I] regret the growth of our own family?'

MAN AND WOMAN: The young couple shows off their rings as they start their lives together and expect their first baby together: a little girl

Louise has shared a number of videos online showing her positive pregnancy tests.

She has also shared videos showing her immense excitement, as well as ultrasound photos of her tiny unborn baby.

Louise has confirmed to her followers that she is having a daughter.

And she asks naysayers if they think she'll ever regret bringing her little girl into the world with her husband.

Louise explains, although she doesn't 'know how anyone else feels, for her she would rather settle down with her little family than enjoy a party life.

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