Teenage boy goes on a rampage in classroom with hammer and knife, 13-year-old girl fights for her life and others are injured

A 13-year-old student slit the throat of his classmate and wounded at least four people in a shooting spree involving a hammer, knife and air pistol in Russia this morning.

Suspect Roman G was arrested after the violent attack, in which a student entered the school in Chelyabinsk and ‘randomly beat up his classmates’.

A girl was taken to hospital in serious condition. She had to undergo surgery to save her life. Her throat was cut and she was hit on the head with a hammer.

A second girl also underwent emergency surgery and several others were injured in the attack.

Hours before the incident, he had posted a tirade on social media in which he said that “Putin has enslaved the population” and accused the dictator of “Nazism.” Investigators are still trying to understand the motive for the brutal attack.

A student fought for his life on Monday after being hit in the head with a hammer

Valeria E, 13, injured in attack at school by student who went on the rampage

A handprint left on the window of the school in Chelyabinsk after the attack on the school

The Baza news agency reported that the suspect “arrived at school completely dressed in black, in the middle of the first lesson, but did not go straight to the classroom, but walked past and went to the toilet.

‘A few minutes later he ran into the biology classroom screaming and started waving a hammer.

‘First he hit one of the girls on the head, then the teacher.

‘Roman then hit another girl and a boy, ran out of the classroom and ran down the hallway.’

The suspected attacker, identified as Roman G, was eventually apprehended by the National Guard at rehabilitation school number 68 and taken to a psychiatrist.

It was initially reported that four people were injured, including a 13-year-old girl who is believed to have been put into an induced coma.

The seriously injured girl, Valeria E, reportedly underwent surgery in an attempt to save her life.

All four people injured in the shooting, including the teacher, two girls and a boy, were taken to hospital.

Biology teacher Nina Shoshina, 57, was injured when she tried to overpower the boy and protect her children at the school in the Ural city of Chelyabinsk.

The teacher said from the hospital that the attacker “ran into the biology classroom five minutes before the end of class.

“He was holding a gun and a hammer. He didn’t say anything, he just screamed.”

Lenta reported that the boy had brought an air rifle to class.

The National Guard was called in to arrest one suspect, while ambulances took the victims to hospital

The suspect was taken to a psychiatric institution after the attack, local media reported

“I immediately started shouting to stop him. I ran towards him, but the girls were a little faster,” the teacher added.

‘He hit them both in the head with a hammer, and then I got hit in the arm, shoulder and head.’

A student from another class recounted the horrific incident.

“We were in science class and heard screaming in the hallway on the second floor,” said an eighth-grader.

‘It was almost 9 o’clock. We were wondering what was going on.

‘The teacher came out and saw that everyone was covered in blood. She tried to protect her classmate from the blow, but she couldn’t.

“There was blood in the hallway and in the toilet. They then escorted us out of the building.”

A grandmother of one of the injured girls said: ‘He entered the classroom, sat there for a while, came out with a gun, an axe, a knife – and this is what happened.

According to other reports, he was armed with a hammer, not an axe, and was locked in the toilet.

The suspect is also said to have taken part in a sinister online suicide game where he injured people and then committed suicide.

Investigators said they would investigate the claims as they examine the organization’s security and compliance with school rules.

The Investigative Committee has opened criminal proceedings for negligence and attempted murder, TASS reports.

Hours before the attack, the student posted a message on Telegram about the so-called “slavery” of the school system.

“The school is designed to enslave young children and distract them from the truth about our government,” he wrote, according to Spring.

“In schools we are taught what is good and what is bad, but in reality there is no such thing as good and bad,” he wrote.

“And there is no hell. Our great nation needs freedom of speech.”

The boy’s father said he was more interested in playing Minecraft, but was bullied at school, with classmates spitting on him and “morally destroying him.”

The crime scene is sealed off after the National Guard is deployed to stop the devastation

Four people were taken to hospital as authorities moved in to arrest the child

Regional Governor Alexei Texler said: “A schoolboy attacked other students and teachers.

“There are victims. They are hospitalized, all necessary medical care is being provided.”

He stressed: ‘There is an investigation underway. A big question is how the student got a hammer in. Why didn’t security respond?’

“At 9:20 a.m. local time (4:20 a.m. GMT), local police received a report that a schoolboy born in 2011 had injured his classmates and a teacher with various objects,” the regional department of the Russian Interior Ministry said in a statement.

‘The number of injured is being determined. The school staff called the Russian National Guard, who arrested the schoolboy.’

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