Tech guru who swapped blood with teen son reveals he’s SCRAPPED 100k a month anti-aging project

A California biohacking guru who exchanged blood with his teenage son as an anti-aging treatment has scrapped the “blood boy” project because “no benefits were discovered.”

Bryan Johnson, 45, a tech magnate who sold his company Braintree Venmo to PayPal for $800 million nearly 10 years ago, enlisted his 17-year-old son Talmage and 70-year-old father Richard two months ago for a three-generation blood swap of treatment to cure TK. reaches

Last week, Mr. Johnson tweeted that he, his son and his father had spilled one liter of blood. Talmage’s plasma was fed into Mr. Johnson’s veins, while Mr. Johnson’s plasma was injected into Richard.

However, imaging and biomarker testing showed that the exchange with his son was of no benefit.

‘Young plasma exchange may be beneficial for biologically older populations or certain conditions. Not in my case in addition to my existing interventions,” Mr Johnson said.

‘Alternative methods of plasma exchange or young plasma fractions are promising.’

He said Richard’s results of the experiment, dubbed Project Blueprint, are still pending.

During the exchange, Mr Johnson’s 17-year-old son, Talmage (left), donated his youthful blood to his father (right), who in turn donated plasma to his 70-year-old father Richard

Mr. Johnson has a team of more than 30 doctors who routinely measure his blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health (pictured with father and son)

Mr. Johnson has a team of more than 30 doctors who routinely measure his blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health (pictured with father and son)

At age 45, Mr. Johnson, a tech magnate who sold his company, spends a whopping $2 million a year in his quest for eternal youth

At age 45, Mr. Johnson, a tech magnate who sold his company, spends a whopping $2 million a year in his quest for eternal youth

At age 45, Mr. Johnson, a tech magnate who sold his company, spends a whopping $2 million a year in his quest for eternal youth

Mr. Johnson has spent $2 million a year to turn 18 biologically again. His bizarre routine includes guzzling 80 vitamins and minerals a day, judging 70 pounds of pureed veggies a month, working out for an hour with 25 different exercises.

He also eats a strict 1,977-calorie diet and has taken more than 33,000 pictures of the inside of his intestines.

A team of more than 30 doctors routinely measures his blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health. He claims he now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the fitness of an 18-year-old.

“I have no plans to die right now,” he previously told

Mr. Johnson’s quest for eternal youth began after a messy divorce with the mother of his three children. He found himself 60 pounds overweight, so depressed that he had suicidal thoughts and suffered violent mood swings.

“There was another Bryan, who I call ‘Evening Bryan,’ and he was supposed to show up at 7:00 sharp. He’d say, ‘Hey, you’ve had a great day… why don’t you celebrate tonight and eat pizza and cookies and tomorrow we’re going to train really hard?’” Mr. Johnson said.

‘Then I woke up fat, didn’t sleep well, depressed.

“It took me years to get rid of that internal demon. I learned how to recognize him and I’d say, “Thank you, Evening Bryan, but it’s not going to happen. We know what happens when we overeat and we don’t feel well…so no.”

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Mr. Johnson came up with the idea of ​​rodent tests that showed that older rats became rejuvenated when fed with blood from younger rats.

The older rodents showed improvements in cognitive function, metabolism and bone structure.

However, this has never been scientifically tested in humans.

In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers, stating that plasma infusions from young people have “no proven clinical benefit” against aging or age-related diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. vascular disease. disease.

“Treatments using plasma from young donors have not undergone the rigorous testing normally required by the FDA to confirm a product’s therapeutic benefit and ensure its safety,” the agency said.

“As a result, the reported uses of these products should not be assumed to be safe or effective.”

“We strongly discourage consumers from pursuing this therapy outside of clinical trials under proper institutional review board and regulatory oversight.”