The president’s son will plead guilty to charges that could send him to prison for up to 17 years.
And that’s not even the biggest scandal of today.
The real outrage is how close Robert Hunter Biden came to getting away with it — and why he might still do so.
The Bidens: corrupt and abusing the system to the end.
Years after Hunter’s abandoned laptop revealed the extent of his drug addiction as he tried to sell entry into the US, he was finally arraigned in federal court in July 2023 to answer to tax evasion and gun charges.
And Joe Biden’s Justice Department tried to cover the whole thing up.
Months earlier, President Biden stated in an MSNBC interview, “My son did nothing wrong.”
It seemed the message was heard loud and clear.
Last summer, under a plea agreement drafted by Delaware Attorney General David Weiss, Hunter was given the opportunity to plead guilty to two tax crimes, accept probation on the weapons charges and likely avoid prison time.
The president’s son will plead guilty to charges that could send him to prison for up to 17 years. And that’s not even the biggest scandal of the day. (Above) Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden arrive at federal court in Los Angeles on Sept. 5
The real outrage is how close Robert Hunter Biden came to getting away with it—and why he might still do so. The Bidens: Corrupt and abusive to the end.
That wasn’t all.
The deal would also have given him immunity from potential future criminal charges, even as federal prosecutors began unraveling his secret dealings with shady foreign clients and investigating whether he had violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which requires Americans to be transparent about their work for foreign entities.
It was a deal that no ordinary citizen would accept.
And a U.S. district judge took one look at Weiss’ deal and essentially threw it out of her courtroom.
It was not, by the way, the only gift the president’s son received.
Weiss and the Justice Department’s tax division allowed the statute of limitations to expire on other potential tax charges.
IRS whistleblowers told Congress that the Justice Department obstructed their investigation into the cases.
And as he sought cover from accusations of political interference, Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, belatedly agreed to appoint an independent outside prosecutor to take over the case, then hired the same David Weiss for the job.
Even if the case was settled, Weiss couldn’t be too clear about it. So he eventually brought felony gun charges against Hunter, and a jury in Delaware convicted Hunter on the very charges Weiss had originally agreed to let him skate.
Now, on the eve of his second trial in Los Angeles (this time for three tax crimes and six misdemeanors carrying a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison), Hunter tried a different tack: he pleaded guilty… but with a catch!
Years after Hunter’s abandoned laptop revealed the extent of his drug addiction as he tried to sell entry into the US, he was finally arraigned in federal court in July 2023 to answer to tax evasion and gun charges.
In a surprise announcement, Biden’s attorney informed the court that his client would enter an “Alford” plea — a legal formality that allows a criminal defendant to acknowledge that the state has sufficient evidence against him while maintaining his innocence.
It’s no surprise that Hunter is desperate to avoid a new trial. Legal experts are convinced he should have been tried for violating FARA—and he likely wants to avoid being forced to reveal the full extent of his alleged dirty dealings.
But that move also failed.
Hours later, Hunter’s team reversed course and told the court he would plead guilty to all nine tax charges, bringing us closer to the conclusion of this ridiculous farce.
For now.
Hunter has one trump card left: a presidential pardon or reduced sentence.
Last summer, under a plea agreement drafted by Delaware Attorney General David Weiss (above), Hunter was given the opportunity to plead guilty to two tax crimes, accept probation on the weapons charges and likely avoid prison time.
When Joe was up for re-election, he said he wouldn’t do that. But if the Big Guy goes back on his word after Election Day, no one can hold him accountable—or, more importantly, stop him.
If you’ve ever wondered why he hasn’t stepped down yet, even though his daily schedule indicates he’s on vacation most days now that he’s nearly 82, remember this.
The Biden family has made millions off of foreign clients for decades, playing the system in every way possible.
Joe was acquitted of charges related to his own mismanagement of secret documents when special prosecutor Robert Hur concluded he was too old and forgetful to be convicted by a jury.
Now his son is throwing himself on the sword to avoid a lawsuit over the family’s influential business. And maybe he still has a free pass from his father.
It’s the Biden trick: cynical and arrogant to the end.