Talawana Track horror: Couple’s 4WD bursts into flames


Horror in the outback: Couple’s car bursts into flames on an isolated 4WD track in the middle of nowhere – but one smart decision saved them from perishing to death in the scorching desert

  • Couple’s four-wheel-drive burst into flames on extremely remote trail in WA
  • Husband and wife were trekking on Talawana Track on Monday morning
  • Car burst into flames but luckily the pair had a satellite phone
  • Rescue helicopter arrived next day and took the couple to safety







A couple’s dream four-wheel-drive trip deep into the outback turned into a near-death experience after their car burst into flames, but a smart decision to rescue a satellite phone from the burning vehicle would ultimately save their lives.

The husband and wife duo were on the 4WD trip of a lifetime, trekking through the deadly Talawana Track, which runs for more than 596 kilometres through the Western Australian desert.

The track is notoriously dangerous, with 4WD enthusiasts calling it one of the toughest routes in Australia and its isolation requires travellers to be totally self-sufficient with water, food and fuel.

The couple were travelling along the track at 10:30 am on Monday, when their four-wheel-drive suddenly caught fire, more than 120 kilometres deep into the remote track.

They managed to escape the inferno, but the vehicle was completely destroyed.

Thankfully they were travelling with a satellite phone and managed to remove it from the fire, a decision that saved them from perishing in the scorching Gibson Desert.

The husband and wife were trekking along the Talawana Track in the state’s north-east at 10:30am on Monday when their four-wheel-drive suddenly caught fire

A couple have been praised for their preparedness after they were rescued from an extremely remote trail in Western Australia when they car burst into flames

They moved to a safe distance from the car with the items they were able to retrieve, before calling triple-0 with the satellite phone.

Because of the remoteness of their location, the call went through to South Australia Police, who then transferred it to their West Australian colleagues.

The fire occurred about 120kilometres east of the Canning Stock Route on the trail in the state’s Windy Corner

The four-wheel-drive suddenly caught fire, with the husband and wife frantically attempting to take everything out of the vehicle before it was fully engulfed by flames

The couple were also carrying a portable charger, which they could use to keep the phone alive while assistance arrived.

Police made arrangements to make regular check-ins with the couple to ensure they were safe before they could arrive.

The nearest police station in Jigalong was a six to eight-hour trip, so they instead turned to the BHP Air Ambulance which was based in Newman to rescue the couple.

The car was completely destroyed by the fire but luckily the couple escaped completely unharmed

The helicopter travelled three hours to locate the husband and wife, rescuing them at 9am on Tuesday morning – nearly 24 hours after the car caught fire.

They pair were in good health, with a WA Police spokesperson praising the steps they had taken prior to their trip to ensure they were prepared for any scenario. 

‘We encourage anyone travelling in regional and remote areas to carry safety equipment with them, particularly Personal Locator Beacons, or PLBs, or other equipment such as satellite phones to help alert authorities to emergency situations,’ the spokesperson said.

If the couple had not prepared so well for the trip, it could have had deadly consequences. 

In 2005 two men’s bodies were found on the notorious track. Police said the men were ill-prepared for their trip, with an old, run-down vehicle and little water.

It appeared they died from exposure to the harsh desert conditions after running out of water.

The men had left a note before searching for water but had returned empty-handed.


How long is the Talawana Track?

The drive is 596km long, running from Windy Corner on the Gary Highway to Newman. The majority of the track was built by Len Beadell and the Gunbarrel Road Construction Party in 1963, and was the final road they built. 

How hard is it?

You will need to be self-reliant and travelling alone is not recommended. Supplies are very limited and facilities along the track are nil. By any standard, this is a long and tough haul through very remote territory. Its isolation requires travellers to be totally self-sufficient with water, food and fuel. 

Best time to travel on the track?

Milder months from May to September.



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