Take a gate! Small-scale neighbor feud reaches new heights when nightmare ‘Karen’ is caught on camera damaging wooden panels between their houses at night

Take a gate! Small-scale neighbor feud reaches new heights when nightmare ‘Karen’ is caught on camera damaging wooden panels between their houses at night

  • A homeowner has had a long-standing dispute with neighbor ‘Karen’ for years
  • His plan to shut Karen out by raising his fence has enraged the resident

A homeowner went to great lengths to shut out his nosy neighbors, but his plan left raging nightmare “Karen” next door.

The Brownsville, Texas native has been feuding with neighbors for years, whom he calls “Karen” and “Kevin.”

He initially started building a fence to separate the two houses, but his recent attempt to raise the fence was not well received, as Karen responded by soaking the wood in water.

Adrian shared on his TikTok account, @adrianraujo1, all day building the high fence and seemed quite happy with his work, even painting his own side.

A homeowner has gone to great lengths to shut out his nosy neighbors, whom he calls “Karen” and “Kevin”

The resident has been arguing with the neighbors for years and first started to shut them out by erecting a fence

But his plan to raise the fence backfired when Karen snuck out at night and sprinkled the wooden frame with water.

But it turns out the fence wasn’t enough to stop Karen, who waited until dusk to spray the fence with water.

Without Adrian’s outdoor camera, he would never have caught Karen in the act.

Adrian claimed that Karen watered the gap between the fences for 20 minutes, and the footage shows a constant sound of water spraying against the wood.

Combining the video with Big Sean’s “I Don’t F*** With You,” the TikTok has reached 4.5 million people and users are flooding the comments with support for Adrian.

Most were shocked by Karen’s behavior, one suggesting, “Get a court order.” My colleague is going through the same thing. The water began to rot her wood’

Another user quipped, “I feel so much anger in that water,” and someone suggested, “Seal between the wooden slats with clear caulk.”

While one user complimented Adrian’s DIY project, “Looks great! Sad that they have to mess with you all the time when now you both have more privacy thanks to YOU!’

After multiple responses, Adrian suggested calling the neighbor’s authorities, claiming he had already done so.

TikToker Adrian caught the act on his outdoor camera, claiming the neighbor blasted the fence with water for 20 minutes

“The city has already come by, she is angry because now she can’t see what we are doing,” he wrote in a response.

Since then, Adrian claims that the neighbor destroyed his planter and caught the woman on his video camera kicking and pulling plants from the wooden box onto his lawn.

Karen was joined by another woman who stood watching her seemingly destroy his property, Adrian quickly came out to confront the pair and they rushed inside.

His followers were just as outraged by the incident and one wrote, “Make her pay for a new one!”

While another suggested, “Take her to small claims court.”

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