Sydney woman caught by mum having sex with her 40-year-old boyfriend by a nanny cam when she was 19


A young woman has shocked thousands after telling the story of how her mother caught her being intimate with her 40-year-old boyfriend on a nanny cam when she was a teenager.

Sav, 24, from Sydney, was just 19 when she started dating Mark, 40, and invited him over to her parents’ house for a “romantic night” when they were on holiday and she was pet-sitting.

Unbeknownst to the teen, her mother saw them through a nanny cam she had set up to keep an eye on the pets and went berserk before kicking Sav out of the house.

Sav shared the ‘juicy’ story about how his mother found out with her now-husband in a TikTok series videos but he told FEMAIL that his mother has accepted the relationship and Mark, now 46, is an ‘integral’ part of the family.

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Sav (right) has recounted how his mother found out she was dating 40-year-old Mark (left) when she was 19 via nanny cam.

Sav, now 24, invited Mark, now 46, they were casually seeing each other when she invited him over to her house for a “romantic night” while her parents were on vacation.

In the video, Sav explained that she offered to stay at her parents’ house to take care of the dog and cat while they went on vacation.

“At the time, I was dating a guy that I had met on Tinder and we were connecting, it was something new, it was something fresh, even though he was 40 years old,” she said.

“But the thing is, I always went to his house and I wanted to have him in my house, so with my parents gone, I thought what an incredible opportunity to have him.”

Sav treated Mark to a ‘romantic night’ of watching movies and ‘having a little fun’.

The next morning, Sav receives a phone call from his mother, who freaked out after seeing the couple getting intimate on a nanny cam and kicked her out of the house.

“The morning was about to be just as fun, but just as we were about to start, I got a call from my mom and when I answered, oh god,” she said.

“So I answered the phone and she freaked out and to answer her questions, yes she did…” he went on to hint that his mother had seen Mark naked on camera.

Sav said that her mother was “furious” and kicked her out of the house.

“I gave him time to really get over it before introducing the two of them,” he added.

“Luckily, she fell in love with how he treated me and fell in love with him as a person because we actually got married and he’s such an integral part of our family.”

Sav waited a year before introducing his mother to Mark. After getting married in 2021, Sav said Mark is an “integral” part of the family (Sav and Mark pictured on their wedding day)

Sav said it took “about a year” for his mother to want to meet her new boyfriend and Mark is now “100 percent integrated” into his family.

“I said ‘listen, this guy really means a lot to me and we’re starting to get real serious and I’d love for you to meet him, I think you’ll really like him,'” Sav told FEMAIL.

“She agreed and she and my stepdad absolutely loved him and thought he was extremely respectful and kind.”

Sav said her mother even said she hadn’t seen her daughter “this happy” in years and that she changed the way she felt about the relationship “immediately”.

Mark is now a member of the family, calling Sav’s grandmother for a chat almost every day and being called ‘son’ by his mother-in-law.

Sav said she “laughs” at the “little” comments she gets from people who mainly ask what the two of them talk about on a day-to-day basis, but said she and Mark have “tons” in common.

Sav said he “laughs” at the “narrow-minded” comments and questions he gets from people who mainly ask what the two of them have in common or talk about day-to-day life.

‘These people don’t talk to anyone who wasn’t born in their birth year? I love talking to anyone and everyone about anything and everything,” she laughed.

“People older than me tend to have a much more interesting view of a lot of things going on in the world and I value talking to Mark and anyone older.”

While there aren’t many challenges for someone over 20, the 24-year-old admits that there is one thing that worries her.

‘We have similar interests and are basically connected at the hip. Neither of them holds the other back from what he wants to do,” she said.

‘The only thing that worries me is that I will most likely one day be alone and not have the luxury of growing old together. I love him more than anything and the thought of not having him with me forever hurts me.

Sav and Mark have been sharing their relationship online and have built a lucrative career on social media.

She says that despite cruel trolls leaving nasty comments, it’s worth helping others not to be judged.

“It’s liberating to see that other people don’t care and I’m so happy to be part of the reason they can be themselves,” she said.

While there aren’t many challenges for someone 20 years older than her, the 24-year-old admits she worries that they won’t be able to grow old together.

in another virus videothe couple said other friends and family members reacted “quite well” when their relationship was toppled and dispelled some common misconceptions surrounding couples with large age gaps.

“There is a misconception that older men only want to date a younger woman. People say ‘What has she done?’ and ‘How is she controlling it?’ Sav said.

‘Wrong! There are literally two of us in this relationship. I’m there making decisions with Mark, it’s just a normal relationship.

Sav admitted that she has always been attracted to older men and believes that a relationship with someone the same age would not work for her.

Sav admitted that she has always been attracted to older men and believes that a relationship with someone the same age would not work for her.

I’ve always tried to date older people. When I met Mark, my Tinder setting was up to 55 just because I was physically attracted to older men, so it was never something that bothered me,” he said.

“For me personally, dating someone the same age wouldn’t work, I find them much more immature, not at the same stage of life as me, which is ironic because I’m the same age as them.”

However, Mark has never dated anyone younger than him.

“I’ve actually dated ten years older than me and the same age as me, it’s really about him and how well I connect with them,” he explained.

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