Sydney P-plate van driver confronts much taller motorist in ‘road rage’ incident in Milperra

A P-plater was captured on extraordinary dashcam footage in a tense conversation with another driver who was much taller than him.

The footage shows the man driving in high-vis behind the wheel of a van with green P-plates in Milperra in Sydney’s south-west last week.

He seemed to become increasingly frustrated with the driver of a smaller white car in front of him and began driving erratically and dangerously close behind the car.

Tensions were high when traffic came to a standstill at a red light.

The enraged P-plater jumped out of the van to approach the other driver off-screen.

The dashcam owner then continued on his route, revealing that the van driver was face to face with the other motorist, who was towering over him.

Dashcam footage captured the moment a P-plate van driver jumped out of his car to confront another driver during a road accident (pictured)

The images, posted on Facebook by Dashcam owners Australiashowed the van driver being pushed back by the larger man before bravely returning the blow.

How the confrontation ended remains unknown as the pair disappeared off-screen as the dashcam owner drove away, much to the annoyance of viewers.

“How much do you think little friend regretted his decision when he saw the man he decided to enrage?” the dashcam was subtitled

The footage has since gone viral with nearly 1,000 comments.

“(Dashcam) driver is at fault for taking off when the light turned green instead of staying put to capture the rest of that encounter for us,” one viewer commented.

Another joked: ‘Pretty selfish of you to drive away while we try to watch.

The driver of the van was significantly smaller than the driver of the other car, but still tried to go with him (photo)

Some were amused and dismayed that the van driver provoked a confrontation with someone much bigger than him.

“That was like watching a Jack Russell try to fight a Great Dane,” one person joked.

Another added: ‘He’s just jumping to reach it… Let’s give him some points for the effort there

Others were simply shocked by the sheer size of the other driver’s camera, with one noting that the dashcam needed a “fish eye lens to fit the whole guy in the frame.”

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