Sydney landlord demands $1,000 from renter for a single scratch in floorboard at their house
Sydney landlord demands $1,000 from tenant for a single scratch on their floor
A Sydney landlord has come under fire after asking a tenant to pay $1,000 to repair an “almost invisible” scratch on a floorboard.
The tenant was left shocked after the landlord made the ‘ridiculous’ request after discovering the scratch in the lounge during the final inspection in September.
The owner argued that the damage was so bad that the floors had to be replaced.
A photo of the scratch was posted on Reddit with the tenant broadcasting their disbelief.
“I just want to ask if you think it’s ridiculous that my landlord wants to pay $1,000 for a minimal scratch on a panel of a hardwood floor?” she wrote.

The owner argued that she needed to replace the floor because of the ‘damage’ caused

But other tenants commenting on the photo she posted on Reddit said it was an example of fair “consumption”.
“Her plan is to remove and redo the entire floor because I accidentally scratched one panel, I repeat, a minimal almost invisible scratch on one of the panels.”
After a week of negotiations between the woman and her partner, their real estate agent and the landlord, she reluctantly agreed to pay $500.
“I was upset because I wanted to fight but he didn’t and it makes sense that it wasn’t worth anyone’s time,” she explained.
“We decided to close the matter with the agents and paid $500.
The couple could have taken the case to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, but decided against it.
“I hope she spends that $500 well because if I wasn’t with my partner I would have gone to court.”
The tenant got a lot of support and advice online.
“Yeah the owner sounds like he’s trying to get them to pay for the new floors,” one person said.
“If you just apply for your bond back and say ‘if you don’t like it, go to court’, 99 per cent of the time they’ll fold,” advised another.
“They only pull this off because intimidation works against disadvantaged groups.”
Some believed that owners who make such claims must prove that they have repaired the damage.
“Owners should be asked to show a photograph of the repaired damage within a month or else return it.”

A frustrated Sydney tenant took to social media to describe her landlord’s $1,000 demand for minor damage to her living room floor as ‘ridiculous’. Pictured: Image of a woman making a phone call
Others said the only way to protect a bond was to meticulously photograph every surface.
“I take pictures and videos of everything when I leave a rental. And I mean everything. Inside door and window frames, walls, floors, roads, gardens, etc. He then forwards it all to the agent.
“They always say ‘oh we’ll go through it and check it ourselves’.” I always reply “yeah I know, but this way I’m covered”.
“I’ve never had a single problem.”
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