Sydney imam gives a shocking anti-Semitic sermon at Masjid As-Sunnah mosque in Lakemba

A Sydney imam has described Jews as a “criminal, barbaric, tyrannical enemy” in an anti-Semitic sermon and claimed Jihad was the “only solution” to restore Palestine.

Australian imam Abdul Salam Zoud delivered a sermon to his congregation at the Masjid As-Sunnah Mosque in Lakemba, southwest of Sydney, on February 9.

The sermon, which was streamed live on the mosque’s Facebook page, was unearthed and translated by the Middle East Media and Research Institute – a US group that monitors Muslim extremists.

Imam Zoud said that the Jews had entered the land and oppressed the people of Palestine.

He praised Jihad and Hamas, claiming that the Prophet Muhammad and the righteous Caliphs had not conquered the world through peaceful means, negotiations or concessions.

Australian imam Abdul Salam Zoud (pictured) delivered a scathing sermon in which he branded Jews a “criminal, barbaric, tyrannical enemy” and claimed Jihad was the “only solution” to restore Palestine

“These people (Jews) understand only the language of violence,” Imam Zoud said.

“Do not even dream that (Palestine) can be regained through negotiations. By Allah, Palestine will be restored only through Jihad.”

‘Jihad for the sake of Allah is the only solution when it comes to the disbelievers.’

He said that “all the billions spent to improve, embellish and emphasize the image of the Jews have all been for nothing.”

He added that the aim of Jihad was not to kill people and take over their lands, but rather to remove obstacles that prevented the spread of Islam.

The sermon has angered MPs and Jewish leaders in Australia, with many claiming the hateful speech should not be tolerated.

Liberal Senator Dave Sharma branded the sermon “disgusting” and “un-Australian” and claimed the imam was inciting violence.

“If it is not illegal, it should be,” Senator Sharma told the newspaper Daily telegram. ‘That crosses the line from freedom of expression to incitement to violence.’

Liberal senator Dave Sharma (pictured) called the sermon “disgusting” and “un-Australian” and claimed the imam was inciting violence

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies David Ossip said the sermon was “incredibly dangerous” and “contrary to Australian values”.

“If we are serious about maintaining the communal cohesion and harmony we all cherish, we certainly cannot tolerate hate preachers poisoning the minds of their followers by vilifying other Australians and calling for jihad,” Ossip said.

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