Read the alarming (and illegal) message my boss sent me when I told him I wouldn’t be in the office

A frustrated employee has shared the shocking text message he received from his boss.

The Sydney man informed his employer he would not be coming to work on Monday morning because he had never received his most recent paycheque.

His boss retaliated by allowing the employee to take the entire week off without pay and ominously made arrangements to “discuss his work” upon his return.

The man said he has also not received a pension since he started the job and will take his employer to the Fair Work Ombudsman.

“We were supposed to get paid last Friday, but the boss comes over Friday morning and tells us that all our wages are being postponed this week and we will be paid on Thursday this week,” the worker explained. Reddit.

A Sydney man informed his employer he would not be coming to work and his boss retaliated by making the employee take the entire week off without pay

“Our wages have been consistently late this year due to cash flow issues at the company. Late wages are just one of the many symptoms we face as a result.”

He said there was “no chance” he would go to work when he still owed his $2,200 wages, so he messaged his boss to let him know he wouldn’t be coming.

In response, the worker received a message from his boss’s assistant.

‘You have this week off and it will not be paid out, you will return next Monday, 05-06-2024. And he will discuss your employment situation that day,” the text said.

He was also advised not to call his boss during the week’s absence.

‘I’m already looking for other jobs anyway, and the nice thing is that the boss is doing without me. It’s a small company (three employees) and I can be counted on for absolutely everything,” the employee said.

‘I’m a technician first and foremost, but over the past two years I’ve had to do all kinds of things because of the lack of competence among the other staff and the boss himself. ‘

Asked if the move was legal, he said he plans to raise the issue with the Fair Work Ombudsman because he has “a whole pile of evidence of unethical/illegal business practices the boss is engaging in.”

The stock exchange has come under fire from hundreds of people who criticized the boss for his “illegal” and “unprofessional” behavior.

‘Not paying on time is already illegal. You do the right thing, but it won’t help you. Start looking for a new job,” one user said.

“Nice of them to put it in writing,” another joked, and a third said, “You better get a lawyer, son. You shouldn’t need a particularly good one.’

‘Wage, super and leave obligations are a short-term obligation. If your employer can’t pay them, they’re out of business,” one person commented.

Some expressed the opinion of the employer and said that the man should have announced earlier that he would not be coming to work.

“Without your backstory, texting at 8:57 am is poor form and if you had a similar history I would be on the company’s side,” they wrote.

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