Super-bedbugs are here and almost impossible to kill, experts warn – as outbreak in Paris leads to fears of a return of Victorian-era infestations

Failure to get Britain’s growing bed bug problem under control will herald a return of Victorian-era infestations, experts warn.

An outbreak of the blood-sucking parasites was reported in Paris. Residents and tourists took to social media to post pictures of the beetles, about the size of an apple core, crawling across train seats and hotel bed sheets.

The deputy mayor of Paris, Emmanuel Gregoire, claimed last week that “no one” is safe from the “scourge” of bed bugs, whose bites cause painful itching and even permanent scarring.

Meanwhile, some suspect the bed bug infestation could easily spread from Paris to London via the Eurostar. The train line has confirmed it is now checking all departures from Paris – 16 a day – for the tiny insects, which often hide in fabrics.

But experts who spoke to the Department of Health claimed the UK already had a growing bed bug problem that conventional insecticides could no longer control. And studies suggest that the number of bed bug cases has increased by a quarter in the last 15 years.

Scourge: Bed bugs have spread across Paris hotels and trains - but the UK is already seeing record infestations

Scourge: Bed bugs have spread across Paris hotels and trains – but the UK is already seeing record infestations

So how worried should we be about bed bug infestations?

QUESTION: I thought bed bugs only existed in the bedroom – how come Paris is infested?

ANSWER: Despite their name, bed bugs hide in many places, including bed frames, mattresses, clothing, and cracks in walls.

“If you see them on your sheets, they have probably already penetrated deep into the mattress and also into your furniture,” says Natalie Bungay from the British Pest Control Association. “At this point they become incredibly difficult to remove and they can also spread easily.”

Bed bugs typically spread by getting into clothing or bags and then moving them elsewhere.

People may not notice an infestation at first because the beetles typically bite at night to feed on blood. The bites appear as raised red bumps, often in a straight line, but are not itchy at first; most people do not feel them until the next day. This means they can spread quickly before people realize they are carrying them.

Experts say the outbreak in Paris is likely due to residents returning to the capital after spending the summer elsewhere. But this is also because it is becoming increasingly difficult to eradicate bed bugs.

“The insecticides we have used for decades to control these insects can no longer always be relied upon,” says Professor James Logan, an insect expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and managing director of research company Arctech Innovation. “Bed bugs in many places have evolved to resist these toxic chemicals.”

QUESTION: Should we be worried about these French bed bugs getting into the UK?

ANSWER: It is likely that some of the bed bugs from Paris end up in the UK.

Both Eurostar and Transport For London, which controls all public transport in the capital, say they monitor surfaces for bed bugs and clean seats regularly.

Despite their name, bed bugs hide in many places, including bed frames, mattresses, clothing, and cracks in walls

Despite their name, bed bugs hide in many places, including bed frames, mattresses, clothing, and cracks in walls

Telltale signs you have the virus

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Bed bugs are often difficult to detect due to their small size – but their bites are usually easy to spot.

The blood-sucking parasites tend to appear at night, meaning their bites (pictured right) usually occur in the morning. They are typically red and itchy and no larger than a penny. However, some people may experience a reaction to the bites, which can result in painful swelling.

Often the bites occur in a group or in a line on an area of ​​skin exposed while sleeping, such as the face, neck, and arms.

One of the most common signs of bed bugs are small brown spots on bedding or furniture that are bed bug feces. To check for bugs, check the mattress’s seams and markings, as well as any cracks in the bed frame.

They can also hide in the seams of chairs and sofas or in the folds of curtains.

But experts say we should be more worried about the bed bugs that already exist. A study conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that the number of reported infestations in the UK increased by 25 percent between 2008 and 2015.

“This value has probably increased even further since then,” says Prof. Logan.

According to the British Pest Control Association, there are now around 12,000 reports of bed bugs every year. And experts say these outbreaks are becoming increasingly difficult to control.

“Two decades ago, a pest controller showed up, sprayed the house and that was it,” Ms. Bungay says. “Now we’re hearing about record numbers of cases where they have to return repeatedly because the bugs just won’t die.”

QUESTION: But bed bugs are just insects – how is it that they are getting harder to kill?

ANSWER: Bed bugs evolve to resist the insecticides used to kill them.

Infestations were common in the UK until around 75 years ago. But after World War II, the invention of insecticides – chemicals used to kill parasites – led to a dramatic decline in the number of bed bug cases in Britain and other developed countries.

But outbreaks occurred again in Great Britain in the 1990s. Experts say this is because bed bugs evolve quickly and develop stronger defenses against insecticides over time.

QUESTION: I know bed bugs can be painful, but can they make me sick?

ANSWER: Bed bugs have long been suspected of transmitting diseases, but there is no clear evidence of this.

Research has shown that they can spread hepatitis B, which can damage the liver. And in August, US scientists published a study that proved that bed bugs can transmit MRSA – a type of bacteria that can cause death – although they could not prove that the insects could transmit the disease to people.

However, experts believe that the biggest health risk posed by bed bugs is usually self-inflicted.

“When you have hundreds of these itchy bites, your first reaction is to scratch them,” says Prof Logan. “But this can cause wounds on the skin that can become infected.” People can become seriously ill in hospital with these infections.”

Antihistamine tablets such as Piriton can relieve the itching and steroid creams can also help.

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QUESTION: How can I get rid of bed bugs if insecticides don’t work?

ANSWER: Removing bed bugs can be complicated and isn’t cheap.

As parasites become more resistant to traditional insecticides, pest controllers must use a variety of techniques.

Most commonly, the affected spaces are sealed and filled with hot air, which kills most pests. The exterminators then spray insecticides.

This process can cost around £600 and take several weeks.

Prof. Logan has developed a bed bug trap called BugScents that uses pheromones given off by the insects to attract them, allowing the user to call an exterminator to take care of the rest.

“The trick is to catch them early, before they start laying eggs,” he says. “We should introduce more traps and warning systems to address the problem.”

“But we also need to develop new insecticides to prevent infestations from becoming normal again.”