Sunrise host Natalie Barr stunned by guest’s wild on-air spray against the Deputy PM

Sunrise presenter Natalie Barr was stunned by the guest’s wild send-off against the Deputy Prime Minister

Sunrise presenter Natalie Barr was left speechless on Tuesday’s show when she witnessed a fiery blast of air.

The heated argument erupted as Nat discussed the controversy surrounding Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and his $3.6 million travel expenses with political editor Samantha Maiden and journalist Joe Hildebrand.

Marles had previously been in trouble in a raucous parliamentary clash, facing allegations that he jumped on more than 70 lavish RAFF VIP flights.

And as sparks flew in Parliament, Nat was about to witness Maiden’s verbal fireworks.

The political editor didn’t mince words, labeling the beleaguered politician a “pompous idiot” and “shameful.”

Sunrise host Natalie Barr (pictured) found herself at a loss for words on Tuesday’s show when she experienced a fiery beam in the sky

She insisted he had something serious to explain.

“If you’re going to spend $3.6 million on these RAAF flights in a little over a year, you’re telling voters where you’re going and who’s on the plane.”

Maiden continued her tirade as Nat watched.

And of course we found out that Bronwyn Bishop had hired a helicopter to Geelong and that former Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack was taking VIP flights to the Melbourne Cup. Voters have a right to know.”

The heated argument erupted as Nat dug deep into the controversy surrounding Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles (pictured) and his eye-watering $3.6 million travel expenses.

The journalist added, “It’s ridiculous and the Senate is going to force him to take a good look at himself today.”

Nat then raised the issue of Marles’ reluctance to respond to questions about whether he had taken his golf clubs on any of the flights.

“Because that would indicate he might be doing something fun,” the Sunrise co-host added.

Political editor Samantha Maiden (pictured left) and journalist Joe Hildebrand (pictured right) joined Nat to discuss the controversy, with Maiden launching an attack on the deputy prime minister, calling him a ‘pompous git’.

Maiden agreed that the deputy prime minister’s actions were unusual before unleashing some strong words.

“It’s just stupid,” she said. “He’s already been photographed in a perfectly legitimate way playing golf on some of these trips — you know, establishing ties to foreign dignitaries — the pictures exist.”

“So don’t be so pompous about this and do your job and tell the voters where you’re going. It is ridiculous. It’s humiliating.’

The tirade left Nat puzzled as she concluded the segment.

“That quote ‘pompous git’ – strong words from Samantha Maiden.”

The tirade left Nat puzzled as she concluded the segment. ‘That “pompous git” quote – strong words there from Samantha Maiden’

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