Sunrise: Fatal flaw in breakfast show’s studio move from Martin Place as the crew are forced to film outdoor segments in a very bizarre location

The Seven Network officially opened their newsroom and studios in Sydney last month after relocating from Martin Place in Sydney’s CBD.

The anticipated high-tech facility in South Eveleigh is now home to Seven’s Sydney and national news operations including 7NEWS, Sunrise, The Morning Show, The Latest and Spotlight.

But it’s not all state of the art as previously thought, with Sunrise being forced to film their outdoor broadcasts in the loading dock.

On Monday, viewers went to the forum Media spy to share their disappointment at the flawed layout as hosts Natalia Barr, Matt Shirvington, Edwina Bartholomew and Mark Beretta presented themselves in the driveway.

The segment featured traditional Greek dancers and signs being smashed as part of a giveaway that gave one lucky viewer a chance to win a trip to the Greek islands.

The Seven Network officially opened their new high-tech newsroom and studios in Sydney last month after moving from Martin Place in Sydney’s CBD, but it’s not all state-of-the-art as previously thought

“In the parking lot this morning, I probably wanted to protect the floor of the new studio,” one fan wrote on the forum.

‘Not the best location for a midwife. It looks like a loading dock,” added another.

“(I) Miss Martin Place for this kind of arrangement.”

While one user noted that the outdoor location may have been used for “breaking records,” another disgruntled viewer said it was “the second time” they’ve used the loading dock for a midwife.

Sunrise was forced to film one of its outdoor broadcasts in the loading dock on Monday, while presenters Natalia Barr, Matt Shirvington, Edwina Bartholomew and Mark Beretta presented in the ramp

The segment featured traditional Greek dancers and signs being smashed as part of a giveaway for one lucky viewer’s chance to win a trip to the Greek islands.

“Hopefully it’s not a regular occurrence,” she added.

Sunrise ushered in a new era in July when Channel Seven officially moved its studios to nearby South Eveleigh after 19 years of broadcasting from Sydney’s Martin Place.

According to an official press statement, “The flagship studio space is five times larger than Martin Place and allows for permanent sets for all programs, with two complete control rooms and over 40 square meters of LED screens.”

But not all fans are enamored with Brekkie Central’s new look.

On Media Spy, one viewer noted that the outdoor location may have been used for “placing signs,” but another said it was “the second time” they’ve used the loading dock.

Critics took to social media to condemn the state-of-the-art studio, with many claiming it looks “sterile” compared to the iconic Martin Place studio, which had a large window overlooking the busy footpath outside.

‘Sorry, but Martin Place was much better. I loved watching the real world go by in the background. This new place looks like a windowless, dark, damp basement,” one viewer complained.

‘The new Sunrise set on Channel 7 Sydney is far too sterile – almost unfriendly – unlikely for the vibrant image of the people at Martin Place in the CBD,’ another agreed, while another described the studio as ‘all enclosed’ .

Sunrise ushered in a new era in July when Channel Seven officially moved its studios from Sydney’s Martin Place to nearby South Eveleigh. But not all fans are enamored with Brekkie Central’s new look

Critics took to social media to condemn the state-of-the-art studio, with many claiming it looks ‘sterile’ compared to the iconic Martin Place studio, which had a large window overlooking the busy footpath outside

Naysayers have also focused on the set’s new color palette, which introduces brighter shades of yellow and orange and more white space.

‘Much too bright. Too much orange and white,” one complained, while another wrote, “It’s all in your face and it’s taking over. Very glassy. Just too much.’

There has also been some backlash online about the apparent lack of camera operators visible in the studio, amid reports that Seven is phasing in robotic cameras.

‘It is a shame. The people who worked on (the cameras) in Martin Place last week probably don’t have jobs on the show now,” said one viewer. Media spy.

There was backlash online over the apparent lack of camera operators visible in the studio amid reports that Seven is phasing in robotic cameras

‘It is a shame. The people who worked on (the cameras) in Martin Place last week are probably now out of jobs at the show,” one viewer commented on industry forum Media Spy

However, there was a lot of positive feedback for Sunrise’s revamped look.

‘It’s very cohesive. All the elements seem to work together and look great on screen,” said one.

On their first show in Everleigh, host Matt told viewers that the studio was a tribute to its Martin Place predecessor.

“We’re in our brand new house this morning, it’s pretty amazing. It has a lot of inspiration from Martin Place Brekky Central, but it also has some new stuff,” he said.

However, there was a lot of positive feedback for Sunrise’s revamped look

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