Sue Cleaver shows off amazing weight loss in leather jacket and green pants

‘Who is this woman?!’ Sue Cleaver fans are begging for her diet plan as she shows off some amazing weight loss in a leather jacket and green pants.

Sue Cleaver’s fans begged for her diet plan as she showed off her amazing weight loss in a snap posted to Instagram last week.

The 59-year-old Coronation Street star looked sensational in a classic black top, which she teamed with a striking green leather jacket and pants.

In her caption, she wrote: “Glaming on for @thismorning this morning – pants by @reiss and jacket by @mintvelvet – ❤️❤️❤️ styled by @johnlewis_samantha @johnlewis Cheadle.”

‘Who is this woman?!’ Sue Cleaver fans begged for her diet plan as she showed off her amazing weight loss in a leather jacket and bold green pants.

She looks great: In her caption, she wrote: ‘Glaming on for @thismorning this morning’

Her followers were shocked by the post and wrote in their comments: ‘Who is this woman!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️,” and, “OMG! You look amazing xxx.’

Others wrote, ‘OMG share your weight loss journey please.’ Looking fabulous ❤️’ and ‘Looking fabulous Sue, how did you lose all the weight? Apart from being in the jungle ❤️❤️.’

More wrote to a recent I’m A Celeb campmate: “Take me to that jungle if that’s how I’ll lose weight” and “Wow… you look fab.” Much less than 60 soon x how did you do it? You so skinny x.’

Delighted: Continuing to flaunt her new look, the actress spread her arms with glee as she cut out a navy blue and white dress in a photo posted Wednesday

Continuing her new look, the actress spread her arms with joy as she cut out a navy blue and white dress in a photo posted Wednesday.

In 2019, Sue lost three stones after revising her diet and adopting a new health and exercise regimen.

She was reported to have dropped to a size 12-14 from a size 16, after making a change to a healthier lifestyle in 2016.

Wow! Her followers were shocked by the post and wrote in their comments: ‘Who is this woman!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️,” and, “OMG! You look amazing xxx’

Discussing her weight loss, a source said woman magazine: ‘Sue was always an avowed foodie, admitting that overindulgence was her Achilles heel. Now everything has changed.

‘Sue is over 50, so it was obvious that what she had to do was cut back on certain things.

“She’s in it for the long haul and wants to live a long, happy and healthy life,” they said, adding that she did it for her partner and son Elliot.

Healthier: In 2019, Sue lost 7lbs after revising her diet and adopting a new health and fitness regimen.

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