Stunning portraits of Brooke Shield, Marilyn Monroe go under the hammer

Photographs of some of the greatest icons of the 20th century went on sale for thousands of dollars as part of a recent auction for Swann Auction House.

The photos that were auctioned off and sold for thousands of dollars included nude photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by photographer Lawrence Schiller, which sold for $12,000.

The psychedelic snapshots of George Harrison of The Beatles by legendary photographer Richard Avedon sold for $38,000.

There are also rare prints of the iconic photos of Brooke Shields advertising Calvin Klein jeans.

Photos by legendary artist Andy Warhol are also part of the Swann Galleries auction, including photos by William Burroughs and famous photos of Holly Solomon in a photo booth that went on sale.

Photos of some of the biggest icons of the 20th century went on sale for thousands of dollars as part of a recent auction for Swann Galleries.

The photos that were auctioned off and sold for thousands of dollars included nude photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by photographer Lawrence Schiller, which sold for $12,000.

Shots show Monroe emerging from the water in black and white, and behind-the-scenes shots in color.

The legendary actress emerges from the water in these images

Schiller included some of the shots in a book about his time shooting with Monroe called Marilyn & Me.

The photos sold through noon on February 23 for a total of thousands of dollars.

Schiller claimed in his book that he photographed the star “on its way down” while he was on his way up.

Schiller said in interviews that he first photographed Monroe when he was just 23 years old.

Monroe was 34 years old in 1960, when she first posed for Schiller.

Sparks fly in this photo from the Schiller Collection

A psychedelic photo of George Harrison beat the estimate of $15,000-$20,000 and was bought for $38,000

This photo of Malcolm X taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson sold for $5,400

William Burroughs’ famous portrait of Andy Warhol sold for over $9,000, on estimates of $5,000-$7,000

This photo of Elvis Presley saw the king on a train from Chattanooga to Memphis on July 4, 1956. The Alfred Wertheimer photo sold for $2,400

Another photo from Richard Avedon’s collection, this campaign by Brooke Shields for Guess Jeans, sold for $8,000

This snapshot of the legendary genius Albert Einstein, photographed by Philippe Halsman, sold for $2,800 according to Swann Galleries.

A photo of the famous supermodel Twiggy taken by the late Bert Stern sold for $1,900

Diego Rivera took this photo of Frida Kahlo and Emmy Lou Packard in Mexico City. Sold for $4,400

A $10,000 sale was made on this photo of Apache leader Geronimo by Edward S. Curtis

Andy Warhol took these famous photo booth photos of Holly Solomon, which sold for $7,5000

Not all photos are of the rich, famous and legendary, as this photo by Diane Arbus captioned “A young Brooklyn family out for a Sunday hike” sold for $10,000.

This photo of a house in Los Angeles by Julius Shulman sold for $7,000

Gordon Parks’ photo, captioned ‘Music: That Stately Power,’ sold for $4,400

A Lewis W. Hine shot of a construction worker welding steel beams on the Empire State Building sold for $4,800

Famous American fashion designer Charles James posed for Peter Hujar in a photo that sold for $9,000

‘Clown Playing Solitaire,’ an Emmett Kelly photo of Irving Penn, is up for auction for $12,000

Jerry Uelsmann’s ‘Untitled (Ball and Cube at Beach)’ went up for auction for $2,800

An environmental landscape of Boulder, Colorado, photographed by Robert Adams sold for $16,000

This photo, known as Robert Doisneau’s ‘La Derniere Valse Du 14 Juillet’, was auctioned for $3,600.

Famed author Truman Capote and Manson Family associate Bobby Beausoleil appear in Peter Beard’s ‘San Quentin Summer.’ The image sold for $800

Many renovations ago, this photo of the interior of Penn Station by photographer Berenice Abbott sold for $5,800

‘Bari’ from Luigi Ghirri’s ‘Paesaggio Italiano’ series sold for $9,000

Revolutionaries Che Guevara and Fidel Castro enjoy a round of golf in this shot by Albert Korda. Sold for $1,000

This $600 photo was taken of the first gas attack by the Germans against the Allies in Ypres, Belgium.

Ivan Shagin’s ‘Attack’ photo sold for $2,200

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