Study finds VERY odd reason most women masturbate…

Women masturbate as a coping mechanism and a way to relieve stress, rather than a desire for sex, a new study finds.

Swiss researchers questioned 370 women between the ages of 18 and 56 about how often they masturbate and the reasons for it.

In total, the entire group masturbated only nine times per month.

But those who were mentally distressed ā€“ regularly anxious or stressed ā€“ masturbated more often than those who were not.

Previous research has shown that this activity can relieve stress because it stimulates the production of the feel-good hormone dopamine in the brain.

Half of women masturbate to relax, while a quarter do it to reduce stress, according to an earlier study of 425 German women (stock image)

One woman wrote in response to the survey: ‘For me it is also an outlet to relieve stress. I notice that I masturbate more often during exam periods, for example.’

A second said: ‘[Masturbation] ā€œIt distracts me and relieves stress,ā€ while a third added: ā€œIt brings me back to the here and now and makes me forget everything for a while.ā€

In the study, published online, Scientists recruited 370 women who had masturbated at least once in the past three months via Facebook, Instagram and university mailing lists.

In January 2021, they all completed a 35-minute survey about their masturbation frequency, habits, and a questionnaire that assessed whether they were experiencing mental health problems.

The results were then adjusted for factors such as relationship status, age and education level.

Of the people who completed the survey, 85 percent were heterosexual, 64 percent were in a relationship, and about half had a college degree.

General, 12 percent of women (44 participants) reported masturbating as a way to cope with stress.

But the main reason women masturbated, the study found, was to promote calm and relaxation, with 64 percent saying this was the reason they masturbated.

Another 55 percent said they masturbated because it brought on a feeling of pleasure.

Only a few women reported masturbating to help them fall asleep or to relieve physical pain.

In the article they wrote: ‘According to the women in our study, masturbation serves as a strategy to induce positive emotions and promote relaxation during stress.

‘These findings are consistent with previous research that has emphasized the role of masturbation as a coping strategy for psychological stress and as a means of relaxation.’

Of the first group of 800 women, 15 were excluded because they said they had never masturbated. Another 53 were excluded because they said they had not masturbated in the past three months.

Participants who used psychiatric medications or reported using anal stimulation were also excluded from the study.