Strike Force Winetr bust: NSW Police smash alleged ‘dial-a-dealer’ drug ring and make four arrests in Sydney’s south-west

Strike Force Winetr busted: NSW police destroy alleged ‘dial-a-dealer’ drug ring and make four arrests in southwest Sydney

  • Three men and teenagers arrested and charged
  • Prohibited drugs, knife, ammunition and $70,000 seized

Police have destroyed a so-called ‘dial-a-dealer’ drug gang after a series of raids in southwest Sydney.

NSW police arrested three men and a teenager and charged them with serious drug offences.

Police formed Strike Force Winetr earlier this year in an effort to dismantle an alleged cocaine trafficking syndicate, which they say was involved in a “dial-a-dealer” scheme.

As part of the three-month operation, officers raided homes in Fairfield West, Smithfield and Bossley Park on Friday morning.

NSW Police arrested four men after they smashed a ring they say was a ‘dial-a-dealer’ ring. The photo shows one of the arrested men

A stash of banned drugs was seized in raids in southwest Sydney

The strike force investigators were assisted by officers attached to the Bankstown Region Enforcement Squad, the Southwest Metropolitan Operations Support Group and the Raptor Squad.

Police seized a number of electronic devices, banned drugs, a knife, ammunition and more than $70,000 in cash during the operation.

The articles will be further investigated.

A 24-year-old man was arrested at a Fairfield West Home and charged with leading a criminal group, commercial drug trafficking and other crimes

A 21-year-old was arrested at a Smithfield address and charged with driving and drug offenses, including supplying a commercial quantity of a banned drug.

A 25-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were arrested in Bossley Park.

No more than $70,000 in cash (pictured) was seized during Friday’s police operation

During Friday’s action as part of Strike Force Winetr, a knife was also seized

The 25-year-old faces five charges of supplying a banned drug, among other drug charges.

The teenage boy was charged with supplying a banned drug before being released on bail to appear in Parramatta Children’s Court later this month.

The other three men were all denied bail.

The investigation led by Strike Force Winetr continues. Anyone with information about the supply of illicit drugs in their community is urged to contact Crime Stoppers:

Three men and a teenage boy, 17, were arrested and charged during the raids

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