Stormy Daniels gets the Vogue treatment on Trump impeachment DAY

Porn star Stormy Daniels now says she misses 90 seconds from her memory of meeting Donald Trump in 2006 when she went from hanging out in his hotel room to having sex.

“I’m standing there, in the doorway, and all of a sudden he’s standing there in his underwear, doing the world’s worst Burt Reynolds impression, and — that’s the thing I don’t understand, I don’t understand how I got from the doorway to get under him lying in bed,” she said.

Fashion published a new interview on Tuesday, hours before Trump was due to be arrested in New York.

The case against him is believed to be centered on a $130,000 hush money payment to keep Daniels quiet, though Trump has denied any affair.

The article was accompanied by 2018 photos by Annie Liebovitz of a glamorous Daniels – real name Stephanie Clifford.

Former President Donald Trump is being charged in Manhattan on Tuesday, apparently in connection with a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels

For her part, he said she would rather he was charged for other things he had done to the country.

“For my own sake, I’d like justification, I’d like him to have what’s coming sometime,” she said. “But that’s about me, and there are more things that are more like the country…”

She first met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in Nevada.

Melania was home with her son Barron, and she said Trump had invited her to dinner the night of the tournament.

When she got to his hotel he was wearing his pajamas and she said she hit him on the behind with a magazine and told him to get dressed, a story she has told before.

Now she wants to straighten out the details of the story: that it wasn’t just a hotel room where they met.

“People think ‘hotel room’ and they think, you walk in and there’s the bed,” she said.

‘It wasn’t like that. His room was like a giant apartment – it had a formal dining room!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green led a protest outside the courthouse in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday

Trump and Daniels in happier times. A hush money payment from 2016 is the centerpiece of the investigations

So it didn’t seem totally crazy to me to hang out there, or that he suggested we order food…. I never felt like he was trying to seduce me.

“He had his suit on, and we were just talking, he was asking me questions about my job. Good questions.’

She admitted he was smart.

“Not like Einstein, but… like, he spoke in full sentences,” she said.

She added that it was difficult to connect that charming man with his 2023 public persona.

‘Sometimes I see him on TV and then I think: what happened? Who is that guy anyway?’ she asked.

“I’m just as confused by his grip on people as anyone.”

What came next is now something of a blank.

“So at one point, after we talked for a few hours, I got up to use the bathroom,” she said. “And then I come out, and it’s like there’s 90 seconds that don’t exist.”

Trump arrived at Trump Tower Monday afternoon. He spent the night there ahead of a court hearing that was due to take place a little after 2 p.m. on Tuesday. He will later return to Florida

Trump was in his underwear and then she was under him.

“I remember thinking, His bodyguard is just outside that door; what happens if i hit him? Is that bodyguard coming in here and hurting me? I remember him saying, ‘Do you want to go back to the caravan park?’” she said.

“I never said I lived in a trailer park; Not me. I said we were poor…”

Daniels was not called to testify before a grand jury in Manhattan.

But last week brought his big decision, voting to impeach Trump, making him the first former president to be indicted.

It plunged the country into unexplored legal and political territory and sparked a flood of fundraising for his campaign, which raised some $8 million in donations in just over four days.

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