Stomach churning Hamas footage shows militants attempt to launch rocket-propelled GRENADE into Israeli kibbutz as gunshots ring out behind

Shocking footage shows Hamas preparing an attempted rocket-propelled grenade aimed at the Kfar Aza kibbutz amid their surprise attack that has killed 1,500 people so far.

The attack reportedly saw around 70 Hamas fighters – dubbed “animals” and “worse than ISIS” by the Israeli military – armed with machine guns and grenades storm the usually peaceful kibbutz in southern Israel, killing men, women and children indiscriminately.

The footage, obtained by South First Responders, shows the militant terrorist group as they carry out their attack.

“There are men inside, be careful,” someone is heard shouting in Arabic in one of the videos, according to CNN. “The fighters and mujahideen have killed them.”

Another shot shows some of the militants near a tree, preparing the missile, which appears to be malfunctioning.

Shocking footage shows Hamas preparing an attempted rocket-propelled grenade aimed at the Kfar Aza kibbutz amid their surprise attack that has killed 1,500 people so far.

‘What’s wrong with it, what’s the defect?’, asks a member of Hamas.

The videos show Hamas fighters – armed with rifles and wearing bulletproof vests – walking through the kibbutz, with gunfire ringing out in the background.

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay on the kibbutz grounds amid burned houses, scattered furniture and burned cars.

Solemn Israeli soldiers went from house to house to take a large number of people slaughtered there.

Israeli troops were going house to house to haul the bodies of civilians into body bags. They hadn’t been able to get them before, as they were still fighting gunmen and working through traps.

A soldier shouted: ‘Tell the world what you saw here.’

Soldiers were still securing the paths of the kibbutz, which had bungalows with verandas, palm trees and banana plants, while gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance.

“What the journalists saw today is a massacre: children, women and old people who were slaughtered,” said Nir Dinar, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces.

The footage, obtained by South First Responders, shows the militant terrorist group as they go about their attack

Soldiers of the IDF Lotar unit are slowly checking the Kibbutz in Kfar Aza

Soldiers crying at the sight of a family dining table still with Challah bread from Friday’s Kiddush

IDF soldiers are still searching through Kfar Aza days after the massacre began

“These are animals, worse than ISIS.” He said that the victims numbered in the “dozens”, adding that “we are still counting”.

As the full scale of the weekend’s horrors came into focus, the Israeli military was ramping up preparations for a ground invasion and Hamas was continuing to fire rockets into Israel.

“Now is the time for war,” Israel’s military chief, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, said as his country massed tanks near the Gaza Strip.

Seeking support for its response, the Israeli government showed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO defense ministers graphic images of children and civilians they said Hamas had killed in a weekend rampage in Israel. .

Blinken said they showed a baby ‘riddled with bullets’, soldiers with their heads cut off and young men burned in their cars.

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“It’s just debauchery in the worst way imaginable,” he said. “It’s really beyond anything we can fathom.

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Israel has vowed to avenge the attack – the deadliest by Palestinian militants in Israeli history.

An armed Palestinian militant leads a man during the Supernova music festival

An armed Palestinian militant is seen walking around the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Reim in the Negev desert in southern Israel

Sitting on the back of a terrorist’s motorbike, her arms outstretched towards her helpless boyfriend, student Noa Argamani pleads for her life

Aftermath: Burnt and abandoned cars where revelers tried to escape the attack

At least 260 were killed in the massacre, while many are still missing – either dead or taken hostage by the bloodthirsty militants

Like others around the globe, Blinken urged Israel to show restraint, but he also reiterated America’s support, saying: “We will always stand by you.”

On Friday he was due to meet King Abdullah and Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, in Jordan as part of a Middle East tour aimed at stemming the spread of the war.

The top US diplomat, Blinken planned to visit key US allies Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates – some influential in Hamas, an Islamic group backed by Iran.

Halevi said lessons would be learned from the security failures around Gaza that enabled the attack.

“We will learn, we will investigate, but now is the time for war,” he said.

The US military is placing no conditions on its security assistance to Israel, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, adding that Washington expects the Israeli military to “do the right thing” in prosecuting its war against Hamas.

Austin was due to go to Israel on Friday and had planned to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hamas called on Palestinians to rise up on Friday in protest against Israel’s shelling of the enclave, calling on Palestinians to march on East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque and clash with Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank.

Public broadcaster Khan said the Israeli death toll had risen to more than 1,300.

The number of American casualties rose to 27.

A large number of Israeli and foreign hostages returned to Gaza; Israel said it had identified 97 of them.

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Israel has responded so far by placing Gaza, home to 2.3 million people, under siege and launching a bombing campaign that has destroyed entire neighborhoods.

Gaza authorities said more than 1,500 Palestinians had been killed.

(tagsTranslate) daily mail(s) news(s) Israel(s) Hamas(s) ISIS

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