STEVE HILTON: How could 20% of Dems support RFK Jr? Look at bumbling Biden and crazy Kamala!

It has to be more than the name, right?

Robert F Kennedy Jr. is one of the most talked about presidential candidates in the 2024 race.

Twitter founder and former boss Jack Dorsey backed him last week. Twitter’s current owner, Elon Musk, received him for an extended conversation on his platform (this time with no glitches).

Chamath Palihapitiya, a silicon venture capitalist, is holding a fundraiser for the Kennedy scion, and Palihapitiya is reportedly affected by the backlash. “A lot of people get the most out of it,” he told Axios.

The reception of the real America is much the same.

In liberal California, 17 percent of Democrats supported RFK Jr, in a new Emerson College poll. And a recent CNN poll showed an astonishing 20 percent support among Democrats nationally in the primary race against President Joe Biden, who stumbles to the starting gate.

Anyone can see that Biden is senile and unable to properly perform the duties of the presidency.

Forty-five percent of American adults in a new poll from Economist-YouGov say Biden’s age and health “seriously limit” his ability to serve, and so do nearly half of all independents.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a hapless pushover who has completely squandered her chance to demonstrate the seriousness America expects from its leader.

But is that enough to make one in five Democrats reject RFK Jr.’s obvious mistakes? overlook, or is there something else going on?

Twitter founder and former boss Jack Dorsey backed RFK Jr. last week. Twitter’s current owner, Elon Musk, received him for an extended conversation on his platform (this time with no glitches).

Perhaps most surprisingly, Kennedy’s profile continues to rise despite being shunned and shamed by most media outlets, branded a lunatic and a conspiracy theorist.

The funny thing is that there are even more serious criticisms that can get in the way of RFK.

He himself has spoken of the “lust demons” that drove his prodigious womanizing, detailed in a personal diary leaked to The New York Post, in which he recounted a slew of alleged sexual conquests during just one year of his marriage to his second wife , Mary Richardson.

Tragically, Richardson hanged herself in 2012 after reportedly telling a friend she was “fearing for her life,” claiming that Bobby had “repeatedly” told her she’d be “better dead” and that it would be “so much better.” be if she would kill herself, wrote RFK Jr. biographer Jerry Oppenheimer.

Two years later, at the legendary Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, Bobby Kennedy married for a third time — to Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines, who joked in that same “Twitter Spaces” conversation with Elon Musk that the presidential campaign her husband’s perhaps driving her to “invent a new brand of margarita with Xanax in it”—a “practical solution” to coping with his presidential candidate’s stress.

Bobby – at least the Bobby Kennedy Jr of many years ago – could probably come up with something stronger.

In 1983, not long after being sworn in as an assistant district attorney for Manhattan, he was charged with heroin possession and ordered to perform hundreds of hours of community service while remaining within the confines of New York State.

All this – and more – is well documented.

Tragically, Richardson (above, center) hanged herself in 2012 after reportedly telling a friend she

Tragically, Richardson (above, center) hanged herself in 2012 after reportedly telling a friend she “feared for her life” and claiming that Bobby had “repeatedly” told her she’d be “better dead” and that it ‘would be so bad’. better” if she killed herself, wrote RFK Jr. biographer Jerry Oppenheimer.

Cheryl Hines joked with Elon Musk that her husband's presidential campaign might lead her to

Cheryl Hines joked with Elon Musk that her husband’s presidential campaign might lead her to “invent a new kind of margarita with Xanax in it.” Bobby – at least the Bobby Kennedy Jr of many years ago – could probably come up with something stronger.

In a Democratic party obsessed with identity politics, supposedly a champion of gender equality and performative “Me Too” social justice progression, you’d think at least the accusations about the treatment of women would rule out Kennedy.

But there is a much stronger force at work propelling his candidacy forward.

Hilarious for the self-righteous, sanctimonious leadership of the Democratic Party and their media puppets, it is the very same force that propelled Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016: utter contempt for the establishment.

For the appeal of RFK Jr. to understand, you must put aside the famous name and the personal weaknesses and concentrate on the content.

Time and time again, Kennedy takes on the Democratic establishment in fascinating fashion.

In recent years, in a stunning reversal of traditional alignments, the Democrats have become the party of Big Business and corporate America.

RFK Jr., a committed environmentalist, is a fierce critic of corporate power. He talks about “the corrupt amalgamation of state and corporate power” and how it could “impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”

The differences compared to Ukraine are even more striking.

For the appeal of RFK Jr.  to understand, you must put aside the famous name and the personal weaknesses and concentrate on the content.

For the appeal of RFK Jr. to understand, you must put aside the famous name and the personal weaknesses and concentrate on the content.

While the Democrats are becoming firmly entrenched as the pro-war party and leading defenders of the infamous “military-industrial complex,” Kennedy is aggressively anti-war, attacking the “neocons in the White House;” about their attempt, as he sees it, to impose “regime change with the Russians.”

Kennedy is also a fierce critic of the “censorship-industrial complex” (as author Michael Shellenberger has termed it): the alliance between Big Government, the national security state, and Big Tech to silence and suppress views outside of approved corporate groupthink. censor.

The more Kennedy’s support grows, the wilder and crazier are the attacks on him by the smug, Democrat-backed media elite. But they completely miss the main point.

With RFK Jr at 20 percent, Marianne Williamson at nearly 10 percent, and nearly the same percentage of Democrats wanting an unspecified “someone else,” it’s clear that the Biden-Harris ticket increasingly insanely pushed by party bosses is becoming resolute. rejected by almost half of the rank and file.

The Democratic party establishment has become far out of touch, disengaged from much of its base that rejects almost everything it now stands for and is looking for a populist standard-bearer to “hold it to the man.”

You could even call it Trumpian. And that is the greatest irony of all.