Stephen A. Smith puts sport to one side to post bizarre five-minute rant on why he prefers ‘natural’ women to ‘big booties’ – before revealing: ‘I have no desire to be with any woman as flat as me’

Stephen A. Smith went on a bizarre rant about how he prefers “natural” women to women with “big butts.”

The ESPN analyst also explained in detail why his male viewers would want to date a “strong seven.”

Smith, who recently gave sex tips to his social media followers, explained that he prefers women with “voluptuousness.”

When asked if he prefers “Bbl or plain,” Smith went on a nearly five-minute tangent.

The 56-year-old said: 'Do you know what that means? The big boots, that's what they're talking about here.

Stephen A. Smith revealed in bizarre rant that he prefers 'natural' women to women with 'big butts'

Stephen A. Smith revealed in bizarre rant that he prefers 'natural' women to women with 'big butts'

'What would I rather have? Well, of course. I would like to say this because it is very important. It's no secret what I have a proclivity for and it has been that way my entire life, i.e. my adult life.

'I don't want to be with a woman as flat as me. To each their own, but if I have my As and Ts, then you, no. I'm on YouTube, so I can say 'a**' and 't**s', but I just didn't feel like it.

'But if I have more of that than you, then I don't need you. I'm sorry I just don't do it. There has to be a certain level of lust. I want curves. You can have some of it here, I prefer a lot of it over there, no doubt about it.

'Legs are important, hips are important. I don't want you to be ugly, but you don't have to look like Halle Berry or Beyonce either. Strong seven. Strong seven.

'Now I'm going to deviate from this topic to bring up what a strong seven is because there isn't a man alive who won't agree with what I'm about to break down so I want the ladies to listen because I'm trying to be here for you.

'You want a strong seven. Let me tell you why. 10 is too high maintenance because she knows she's fine and you're replaceable. She can take you or leave you.

“A nine is also a problem because there are enough people telling her she's a 10, so half of them act that way.” And the other half still demands more from you than others could do, which is why you need to feel good about yourself.

'Eight is ideal, because it looks really nice. She's made it happen, but at the same time there's a level of independence that comes with it, which is never a bad thing, until she's so independent that she makes you feel like you have to be more dependent on her than she is on you. .

Smith has previously spoken openly about his happiness in single life on his YouTube show

Smith has previously spoken openly about his happiness in single life on his YouTube show

'This is where the strong seven comes into play. It seems like she can compete with an eight, but her mentality is not that of an eight. So she appreciates you wanting her more.

“As a result, she shows more appreciation for the fact that you desire her, so she treats you the way she wants you, and as a result you have more fun together.”

'Everyone knows I speak the truth. This is what it is. Strong seven – and that doesn't mean she's not an eight. But a strong seven is someone who looks like an eight, but doesn't act like an eight.

'That makes her special. Those are the ones who are married.

'The others… long engagements, quick marriages and divorces or just being single forever because they spent so much time showing you were replaceable that you finally looked at them and said, “that's why I don't want you”. Because I am replaceable.

“You're going to dump me when it's time. Why waste my time? Didn't I break that off? I think I did that.'

Smith is not married and never has been. He has previously spoken openly – on his YouTube show – about his happiness in single life.

“I'm 55 years old, I've never been married and I'm happy about it,” he said in an episode in October. It's not the most popular thing to say.'

Last month, Smith gave sex tips to his social media followers.

By answering questions from fans on social media, he truly proved that no topic was off limits in a Q&A session as part of his YouTube show.

A fan asked him what the best meal before sex is, to which the 56-year-old said: 'Okay, first of all, water, no alcohol.

“I'd tell you a salad. You don't want your stomach to get heavy before you try to lie down, you know what I mean? It will bring you down and prevent you from reaching the level you want to reach.

'You don't want spicy food either. It can upset your stomach. You don't want stomach problems when you're trying to get aroused. So I would tell you a nice salad.

'But do you know what's best to do? Protein drink. Protein drink, but not something that settles in your stomach. And water, because you want the blood to circulate at the right times and in the right places.'