Statue of Captain Cook has been sawed down in Melbourne – with four words sprayed on it

A statue of Captain Cook in a Melbourne park was vandalized, toppled and defaced ahead of Australia Day.

The statue in St Kilda’s Catani Gardens, St Kilda, was cut from its stone base early Thursday.

Vandals spray-painted the chilling words ‘the colony will fall’ in red on the plinth and left the statue on the ground.

The police have started an investigation to find those responsible.

A statue of Captain Cook has been defaced

Liberal MP Angus Taylor called out the vandalism

‘Captain Cook was a man of enlightenment. Why would they do this? I think he’s a great person,” he told the Today show.

“It’s another act that, quite frankly, everyone should condemn.”

It is not the first time that the image has been damaged. In 2022, red paint was thrown over the statue for three consecutive days.

The image was also previously defaced in 2020 and 2018.

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