Starfield players can make nine million credits per hour using a wall glitch

Star Field has a glitch that allows players to rack up a ton of credits in no time.

YouTuber DPJ posted a video showing a fellow Star Field players how they can earn 160,000 credits every minute – over nine million credits per hour if done right – and all players have to do is enjoy some buggy wall on a space station (via GamesRadar).

As the YouTuber explains, you will first need to have at least the first level unlocked in the Boost Pack Training skill, then you will need to head to the Narion system, then to the Stroud-Ekland Staryard space station.

Once you board, you will need to walk from the entrance to the room at the opposite end of the hallway, then approach the back wall following the edge of the ramp, aiming for the red piece of technology displayed behind it. the back wall. glass.

Approaching the wall and moving forward should activate the bug, forcing you to cross to the other side into an out-of-bounds area. As soon as you pass, you should move forward to the left and land on the edge of a room across the space station, before following the path to the hidden chest in the Stroud-Ekland Store which contains 160,000 credits.

DPJ explains that to reset the chest, you must travel to Venus, wait six hours using the game’s rest system, and return to the Stroud-Ekland Staryard space station to repeat the process. Master the pattern and you will quickly become the richest space traveler in the galaxy.

This isn’t the only moneymaking problem players have encountered. Less than 24 hours after the game officially launched, another player discovered an infinite money glitch that rewards you with 75,000 credits every time you repeat the process, even though the steps can be tedious.

If you’re looking to get rich quick Star Field, the space station’s latest problem appears to be the quickest and simplest solution found so far. It appears to work on both Xbox Series X|S and PC, although if you’re playing on PC you can still use the game’s built-in command center to cheat your way to success.

For more games like Starfield, here is our list of best RPGsas good as best Xbox Series Now playing.

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