Starbucks fan issues warning to coffee fans who hoard discarded cups in their car after disgusting incident

A Starbucks customer who kept unfinished cups in her car has warned other hoarders.

Sarah Reed explained the reasoning behind her crucial warning to coffee fans a TikTok video she posted on June 11.

“This is for all the girls who have 15 cups in their car and always have Starbucks,” Reed said after declaring it “the most fucking disgusting thing that ever happened to her.”

The TikTok user showed off what looked like a Starbucks Strawberry Fresher that she had been drinking before the ‘horrible’ incident took place.

Once Reed was in her car, instead of drinking what she thought would be water and electrolytes, the TikToker took a sip of a nearly full and moldy drink.

Sarah Reed (@itssarahreed) posted a TikTok video on June 11 advising coffee fans not to leave discarded cups in their cars

Reed sat in her car as she talked about the disgusting incident in her TikTok video.

“I drove it, drank it and lived my best life,” Reed said of the Venti drink she drank.

However, she seemingly stopped living her best life when she was driving down a road and reaching for the drink.

“First of all, no damn judgment from anyone. I know it’s gross, and I should have thrown it away,” Reed said.

The TikToker then picked up the moldy drink, which previously appeared to be ice-cold caffeine, and revealed that she drank from that cup instead of the one filled with water and electrolytes.

Reed was surprised that she had done this, as she admitted in the comments section that her fresh drink did not have a straw.

Reed showed an old Starbucks cup containing water and electrolytes that she had been drinking before the

Reed showed an old Starbucks cup containing water and electrolytes that she had been drinking before the “horrible” incident occurred

She didn't clarify what the drink was, but it appeared to be a medium caffeinated drink that used to be cold.

She didn’t clarify what the drink was, but it appeared to be a medium caffeinated drink that used to be cold.

“I took my hands off… I had to open this, stick my face in it, spit it back in here, I scratched my tongue with my fingernails,” Reed said.

‘It’s a taste that will unfortunately never leave my mouth. I think it lives there.’

Reed concluded her video by imploring video viewers to “throw away” their Starbucks cups.

The TikTok video has been viewed more than 400,000 times and received 1,100 comments, some of which were from other users ‘judging’ her misfortune.

Reed took a sip of the moldy drink as she drove down the road.  She has since begged viewers to stop leaving discarded cups in their vehicles

Reed took a sip of the moldy drink as she drove down the road. She has since begged viewers to stop leaving discarded cups in their vehicles

However, many came to her defense.

‘Why are people so mean? As a mother of three, all my cup holders are full before I throw them away. The fear I have of this happening to me is so real,” one person wrote.

Another wrote: ‘As a fellow booze collector I’m at least trying to get the straw out as I too did this once and barely recovered.’