Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Devastated Settlement orb puzzle walkthrough

The Star Wars Jedi: Survivor mission “Research Tanalorr” is divided into two segments: one on Koboh and one up Shattered moon. During the Koboh portion of the mission, you must solve a puzzle in the planet’s ruined settlement. It’s a bit of a stupidity, requiring you to manipulate orbs into laser beams (formally called Koboh Tuner Beams) in three parts. Here’s how to fix it.

Devastated Settlement orb puzzle part one solution

After defeating the droid, slide through the crack in the wall and force the giant box off the ledge with the Koboh tuner beam.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Go back through the crevice and then force the switch in the center of the room twice. This causes the Koboh Tuner Beam to eliminate the odd dark bramble bush covering the left (or right, depending on perspective) side of the wall bisecting the room. Then go back through the crevice. Using the giant crate, jump to the ledge with the laser on it. (Completionists, you’ll find a Force echo in the corner.)

Cal Kestis holds an orb on Koboh during the Devastated Settlement puzzle.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Remove the sphere of the Koboh Tuner Beam and, continuing to hold it, jump down. Throw the orb into the glowing blue Wall outlet that was behind the now-disintegrated bramble.

Cal Kestis is holding a sphere with a purple line leading to a blue bowl.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Use the giant box as a stepping stone and jump onto the ledge below the socket you just plugged the orb into. Slide through the wall to get to the other side of the room. Grab the same orb, jump down and go back outside. Go straight ahead and throw the sphere into the laser beam slot on the edge of the cliff.

Cal Kestis holds a purple orb near a cliff on Koboh.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

As a final step, aim the new laser across the chasm and hold it steady as you shoot the dark purple rock on the spire halfway through the chasm. Copy this for visual reference:

Cal Kestis wiggles a purple laser across a lava fissure on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

This will create an upward movement. Ride the creature of the hover bird (formally a relter) to go to the second part of the Devastated Settlement sphere puzzle.

Devastated Settlement orb puzzle part two solution

The second part of Koboh’s Devastated Settlement orb puzzle is by far the most complicated. Beat the two gorocco. (Our tip: confuse one of them and have it attack the other.) Break the cracked wall with the Force, then use Force Pull to sphere of the laser beam.

Cal Kestis holds up a silver orb during the Devastated Settlement orb puzzle.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Throw that ball in the Wall outlet revealed by the cracked wall.

Cal Kestis throws an orb into a chute during the Devastated Settlement puzzle on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

This will reveal a ledge. Scale it. In the next room you get the Koboh sharpener upgrade for BD-1, which allows the little guy to spray Koboh case (what you’ll learn is the name for that dark bramble thing), allowing you to increase the range of Koboh Tuner Beams. Go back to the first room, get the orb and throw it back at the Koboh Tuner you originally got it from. (See two photos above.) Use BD-1’s new ability to connect Koboh Matter to the mass of matter on the left, and do the same to connect it to the mass of matter on the right.

Scale the wall that is revealed. You will find one Force echo and a Force essence. Grab the orb of the Koboh Tuner and throw it into the Wall outlet on the wall.

Cal Kestis throws an orb at a wall in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Wall run across the gap, get the orb, walk back outside and put it in the Koboh Tuner. Then aim it at the spire in the middle of the lava canyon. Copy the screenshot for reference:

Cal Kestis aims a purple laser at purple rocks in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Ride the relter into the updraft and across the canyon.

Devastated Settlement orb puzzle part three solution

The third part of the Devastated Settlement puzzle forms a catch-22. The sphere you need a door to the room that contains the orb. Removing the bulb closes and locks the door. You can exit by swinging through a crack in the wall, but you can’t take the orb with you. The solution is to Force Pull the giant box so it’s in position to hold the door open, like so:

Cal Kestis stares at a giant box under a door in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Grab the orb, return to the first room and drop it into the Koboh Tuner.

Cal Kestis places an orb in a Koboh Tuner Beam in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Look to the left and use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to spray Koboh Matter onto the mass over the hole in the wall. You will find one Force essence (which gives you the Precision advantage) and a Force echo.

BD-1 sprays Koboh Matter into a room on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Jump back down and drop the block in front of the beam. Then use the Koboh Grinder to spray matter all the way to the giant orb covering the front of the room. This will allow you to carry the orb to the last Koboh tuner. You know the drill: aim the laser at the spire in the middle. Here’s the screenshot:

Cal Kestis points a purple laser at a giant purple rock in a canyon of lava on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Glide one last time across the chasm with the relter to complete the Devastated Settlement puzzle.