Srikanth Jagilapu: Indian immigrant, 28, who sexually abused an 11-year-old girl twice in swimming pool toilets is jailed for just THREE MONTHS – but will be deported

An immigrant who sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl has been given a paltry three-month prison sentence before deportation.

Srikanth Jagilapu, 28, was sentenced at Southport District Court after pleading guilty to two charges of indecent treatment of a child under 12.

The court heard Jagilapu was alone with the girl twice after meeting her in September 2021 at a swimming pool in a building complex where he was on holiday.

The girl followed the then 26-year-old into the pool toilet before kissing her on the mouth and touching her genitals under her swimmers. Repeat the action some time later.

The Indian national was living in Australia on a bridging visa after completing a university education and was in the process of sending money to his family back home.

An Indian immigrant has been sentenced to just three months in prison after pleading guilty to twice sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in a swimming pool toilet (stock image)

The court heard the girl’s friends planned to film Jagilapu in the act after disbelieving she had ‘almost been raped’ during the first incident.

Crown prosecutor Jessica Guy said 11-year-old Jagilapu again followed Jagilapu into the toilet block for about 10 to 20 seconds before returning, visibly distressed.

After telling her friends she had been attacked in a similar manner, they held the toilet door shut to keep him in before a member of the public came to their aid.

Although Judge Deborah Holliday said he had not used force in the attacks, she also described his behavior as undeniably serious.

The court was told the incidents occurred after the group of girls gave Jagilapu a false name and told him they were 16 years old.

Judge Holiday rejected Jagilapu’s reasoning for the offences, believing the victim was 16 years old as this was not a valid defence.

“Even if that defense were available, (her) appearance, which was clearly that of a child, would mean (it) was not reasonably detained,” she said, according to the Gold Coast Bulletin.

Jagilapu was sentenced to just three months in prison for his crimes, but was also given a 12-month prison sentence suspended for two years.

Judge Holiday said it was likely that Jagilapu would be deported or sent to an immigration center after serving his first spell in prison.

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