Splatoon 3’s next big event will settle the most contentious Pokémon debate of all


Do you want to be the very best, like nobody ever was? You’re in luck, because Splatoon 3 gives you a brand new opportunity to do just that in its latest event: a Pokémon-themed Splatfest.

A Splatfest is a special event in Splatoon 3 where you choose one of three teams to join before jumping into a PvP bonanza. Last time you had to choose between Gear, Food and Fun when you were stranded on a desert island – a meager choice compared to what lies ahead. In the next Splatfest, you’ll have to choose between Fire, Water, and Grass-type Pokémon. Finally, years of playground arguments will be settled in the inky melting pot of splat-based conflict.

If you’re new to the classic Nintendo Switch team-based third-person shooter, this Pokémon Scarlet and Violet tie-in event gives you a great opportunity to get stuck in. Starting November 11 at 4pm PT / 12pm GMT / 10am ACT and ending November 13 at the same time, the event is packed with special rewards. You need to practice as many Splatoon 3 weapons as possible if you want to lead the chosen type to victory in November.

Your real test

(Image credit: Nintendo)

There’s no denying it: this is a seriously strong contender to the greatest Splatfest topic of all time. Yes, Rock vs. scissors vs. Paper got off to a strong start as Splatoon 3’s inaugural Splatfest, and Chaos vs. Order will always remain iconic, but it must be said that Pokémon types make for a truly special Splatfest experience.

It’s telling that the Pokémon starter-type trifecta has remained unchanged all these years. While the Splatfest is clearly centered around the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet starters, the old Bulbasaur-Charmander-Squirtle conflict remains as alive today as it once was. These are ancient battles, fought by ancient soldiers.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Troopers who first reported as tweens on playgrounds are now full-time adults. Some are accountants, others are salespeople, and some, Arceus help them, are video game journalists. Despite staring into the course of 30, I will climb the hill and boldly declare that Bulbasaur is my perfect plant boy and grasses are the best.

The fact that Splatoon 3 is tapping into such an old and iconic debate for its second Splatfest says something about how the community is doing. Online multiplayer games from Final Fantasy 14 to Overwatch 2 live or die based on the quality of their community involvement. By staying stuck in this kind of controversial and deeply rooted Pokémon debate, Splatoon 3 shows that it is not only alive, but also thriving.

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