Spectacular supermoon lights up the night sky as stargazers around Earth catch a glimpse of August’s lunar event


a FULL MOON is the phase of the moon when the entire disk is illuminated.

During the 29.5-day lunar cycle, we see a new moon (with 0 percent illumination), a waxing moon (when the amount of illumination on the moon increases), a full moon (100 percent illumination), and then a waning moon. moon (when the visible surface gets smaller).

Because our modern calendar doesn’t quite match the phases of the moon, we sometimes get more than one full moon per month. This is commonly known as a blue moon.

Meanwhile, one SUPER MOON is when the full moon nearly coincides with perigee — the point in the moon’s orbit at which it is closest to Earth.

This means that a supermoon can appear as much as 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than when it’s farthest from Earth.

There are about three or four supermoons per year, most astronomy websites claim, and they occur at different times each year.

Basically, a supermoon is a full moon. But it’s bigger and brighter than a normal full moon.

finally, STEUR MOON simply refers to the time of year when the full moon appears.

Full moon in August is called sturgeon moon because of the large number of sturgeon fish found in the Great Lakes of North America at this time of year.

Other months of the year correspond to different nicknames – so January is Wolf Moon, February is Snow Moon, March is Worm Moon, April is Pink Moon, May is Flower Moon, June is Strawberry Moon and so on.

Full moon names were historically used to keep track of the seasons and are therefore closely related to nature.

The full list of full moon nicknames:

January: wolf moon because wolves were heard more often during this time.

February: Snow moon coincide with heavy snowfall.

March: Worm moon as the sun warmed the ground more and more and earthworms became active.

April: pink moon because it heralded the appearance of Phlox subulata or moss pink – one of the first spring flowers.

Be able to: Flower Moon because of the abundance of blossoms.

June: Strawberry Moon because it appeared when the strawberry harvest first took place.

July: Buck Moon as it arrived when a male deer’s antlers were in full growth.

August: Sturgeon Moon after the big fish that was easy to catch at the time.

September: Corn moon because this was the time to harvest corn.

October: Hunters moon after the time to hunt in preparation for winter.

November: Beaver moon because it was time to set up beaver traps.

December: Cold moon because the nights were longest at this time of year.

Source: Old Farmer’s Almanac

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