Sovereign citizen’s bizarre reason for why he refused to ‘do business’ with police who stopped him for a breath test

A man who claimed he is ‘not a person’ told police he did not need a driver’s license, registration or insurance because he had ‘no contract’ with the government.

In a video posted Friday, the man was stopped for a random breath test while riding a motorcycle.

Initially, the officer was calm and asked for the man’s driver’s license, but the driver repeatedly shot back, “I don’t want to sign a contract with you today.”

‘I am traveling today in a personal capacity. Officer, I’m a man, a living man,” the driver said.

The man then handed the officer a stack of documents, urged the officer to read them and recited a speech giving the officer a “notice.”

“I need to file a report on you,” he told the police officer.

“I, a living man, hereby inform you that if you do not now provide me with articulable, probable cause that I am a party to a crime against a potential or actual living victim, you agree that you have in fact no standing in this case.

‘You are privately liable and accept full commercial liability under penalty of perjury for any false claims against me and any resulting damages.

“I reserve all my rights and waive none, including my right to remain silent.”

However, the frustrated officer got into his car halfway through the driver’s speech and called for backup.

Still, the man continued to rant and ask for the officer’s “business card,” repeating, “I am not under your authority” and “you are entering into my joining contract.”

When the officer got out of his car again, the man started giving him a yellow card.

“Look, that says I’m not a person,” he told the police officer.

“If you look at the Law Enforcement Powers and Responsibilities Act, which you are responsible for, where does it say you have power over a man?

‘I don’t agree, I like working with you. I don’t argue, I inform you.’

A ‘sovereign citizen’ who claimed he was ‘not a person’ was stopped by police for driving without a license, registration or insurance (photo: the officer who stopped the driver)

Soon, a car carrying two female officers arrived, as well as another highway patrol vehicle.

The driver repeated the same “announcement speech” he gave to the first officer.

‘I am traveling today in a personal capacity. I want to be on the road. I don’t want to do business with you today,” he said.

‘No contract. We have no contract. I don’t want the contract. If you do anything today against my will, you will be voiding my contract of adhesion. That is very expensive.

‘…If you do the right thing, your day will end well and the months to come will go well. If you do the wrong thing, and I know if I do the wrong thing, the same thing will happen to me.”

One of the female officers shot back, “You did something wrong.”

It is unknown whether the man was charged or not, but several commenters under the video condemned him for wasting officers’ time.

The first officer called two other police vehicles to assist, with two female officers having to listen to the man’s threats of legal action.

“There’s a small, hateful part of me that wants to hear, ‘I’m not under your authority,’ followed immediately by the deployment of a Taser. Just a small part,” said one.

“I really feel sorry for the police officers who have to put up with people like this,” wrote another.

“If he is, as they say, unregistered, insured and unlicensed, he should have been arrested on the spot as he poses a danger to other road users,” said another.

“If these people fall down the rabbit hole they really need to hit their heads on the way down,” a fourth person wrote.

‘What a time-consuming flogging. Always happy to post the beginning of the confrontation. Never show how successful they were when they refused to comply,” said another.

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