Southport, Gold Coast: Shocking moment driver dressed in a hi-vis shirt threatens to punch in another motorist’s window during a road rage incident

An irate truck driver has stormed forward and threatened to smash the window of another motorist’s vehicle during a road rage incident caught on camera.

The footage was taken from the cab of the man’s car in the Gold Coast suburb of Southport in southeast Queensland on Wednesday morning.

The motorist’s video shows a truck driver wearing high-visibility clothing shouting at him from the other side of the road as vehicles wait at traffic lights.

A Gold Coast truck driver was caught on camera charging at another motorist in a road rage incident on Wednesday

Suddenly, the man in the hi-vis decides to take it a step further by charging towards his opponent’s vehicle.

“Keep going, keep going, hit my car,” the driver says as he films the man in hi-vis approaching.

While stopping outside the window, the would-be attacker turns the bird over and then tries to deliver a powerful blow to the car window, but delivers the blow with little force.

“Do you want to smash my car?” the man in the car taunts.

As the man in hi-vis walks back to his own medium-sized truck, the motorist continues to prod him.

“Keep going, keep going, keep going,” he says.

Those commenting on the video, which was posted on Channel Nine’s Facebook page, said the incident needed more context.

‘These kinds of films are so one-sided. What did the guy behind the camera do to annoy him so much????” someone asked.

“It’s always best to know both sides of the story first.”

“No matter what happens, he needs to stay calm,” one person replied.

Several noted the truck driver’s apparent bluff.

The truck driver tried to break the driver's side window, but delivered the blow with little force

The truck driver tried to break the driver’s side window, but delivered the blow with little force

“He was acting tough but he pulled away and punched the window,” one person said.

“Hahaha can’t knock the foam off a cappuccino,” said another.

There were calls to fire the truck driver.

“That attitude, driving an eight-ton piece of steel, sets the stage for a fatal accident,” one commentator warned.

“This guy needs to be judged for his right to even drive.”

Another saw the incident as symptomatic of society’s ills.

“What’s wrong with people these days?” people asked.

‘So a lot of anger and terrible behavior!!! Just relax.”

Queensland Police have been contacted for comment.