South Carolina’s governor marks new gun law with ceremonial bill signing

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster held a ceremony Tuesday to highlight a new law that allows any adult who can legally own a gun to openly carry the weapon without a permit.

McMaster signed the bill into law 12 days ago as soon as it landed on his desk, allowing it to be carried open before the ink dried. Tuesday’s Statehouse event outside his office was a day for everyone who pushed for the law to take a victory lap.

“This is a happy day. It’s a good step forward,” the Republican governor said.

The new law changes the way the police do their work. Guns can now be carried anywhere in a vehicle: the dashboard, a seat, a cup holder, instead of having to be hidden in a console or glove compartment.

Officers can no longer stop someone who is simply carrying a gun, and anyone carrying a concealed weapon no longer has to tell an officer that he or she is armed.

Concealed weapons permits are still available, and the bill makes the training free across the state. Budget writers will have to set aside $4 million to $5 million to provide the classes in each of South Carolina’s 46 counties.

Encouraging the training provided in those classes was one of the biggest obstacles to getting the new law passed. Many police departments and some lawmakers who typically support fewer restrictions on guns argued that people should still receive training before carrying a gun in public.

The law also allows anyone between the ages of 18 and 20 who does not have a felony conviction or other legal problem to carry a gun. The old concealed weapons law set a minimum age of 21.

“The Constitution does not specify age,” said Republican Rep. Shane Martin, who helped push the bill through the Senate. “Whether you like it or not, those 18, 19, 20-year-olds should be eligible.”

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