Sorry Apple fans, looks like we won’t see an OLED MacBook Pro until 2026

This follows a report that appeared to be so confirm the lack of an OLED MacBook Pro Before 2026, another report undermines expectations.

It appears that Samsung will begin mass production of the 8th generation OLED displays in the first half of 2026, according to a report from UBI Research (via BGR). UBI stated that “Samsung Display decided early this year to invest in the 8th generation OLED line for IT products,” which includes laptops, tablets and monitors.

Back in 2021, Samsung was in talks with Apple about the development of the OLED screen for its MacBooks. Initially, this model was supposed to be launched in 2025, but even then it was postponed, with subsequent reports confirming this. The UBI report shows that after investing $3.1 billion in the said technology, the South Korean manufacturer has ordered equipment and plans to produce it with the OLED MacBook Pro.

And even if Samsung comes out with 8th generation OLED screens in early 2026, Apple still has the final say on the release dates for the OLED MacBook Pros, which means they will hit the market in the second half of 2026 or even as late as 2027 can come. backed up by an earlier report from the Korean tech site The Electricwhich stated that we won’t see the first OLED MacBook for up to four years from 2023.

Apparently, both LG Display and BOE are also planning to develop 8th generation OLED displays, but they still need to secure investment funds and customers first.

More bad news

There could be another factor that means Apple fans not only experience a massive delay in OLED MacBook Pros, but also don’t see any at all. Declining sales.

According to a May 2023 report from The Elec, Apple’s revenue fell in the second quarter of 2023 compared to 2022, and because 8th generation OLED technology requires larger substrates, which neither Samsung nor LG have developed yet, costs could are a major cost item for these new OLED panels. big problem for Apple.

The Korean companies don’t yet know exactly how much Apple will pay for these panels, so until Apple officially announces something about the OLED MacBook Pro, we wouldn’t bother holding our collective breath. Chances are we’re much more likely to see an OLED MacBook Air Anyway.

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