Sony has confirmed that a new PlayStation State of Play event will take place on Wednesday, January 31, and it’s going to be a big one.
The first State of Play of the year will last 40 minutes, and will feature “15+ games” in that time, so fasten your seat belts, because it sounds like it’s going to be quite a ride.
While Sony didn’t reveal many details ahead of time, it did reveal that there are “extensive looks” at Shift Up’s action-adventure Stellar blade and the wonderful role-playing game of Team Ninja Rise of the Ronin (both PlayStation 5 exclusive games) are shown. At the time of writing it is Stellar blade currently has no confirmed release window, while Rise of the Ronin will be launched on March 22.
Get ready for a new state of affairs! Tune in this Wednesday at 2pm PT / 10pm GMT on YouTube, Twitch or TikTok for 40 minutes of 15+ games, including extended looks at Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin, plus more from talented games developers from… 29, 2024
Since we don’t know much about what will be shown, it will be extremely interesting to see what Sony has in store for us. A fresh PlayStation blog after states that viewers will “get a new look at other titles coming to PS5 and PSVR2 in 2024 and beyond.” Needless to say, it doesn’t seem like everything included will definitely be out this year, so keep that in mind leading up to the event.
Viewers can tune in to the state of affairs Nervous twitch, TikTok or YouTube starting at 5pm ET / 2pm PT / 10pm GMT on January 31, which is the equivalent of February 1 at 9am AEDT. Make sure you set a reminder so you don’t miss the news and announcements as they happen.
If you’re looking for some great games to play in the meantime, be sure to check out our recommendations for the best PS5 gamesas well as our collection of the best PlayStation Portal games for the best titles to play on Sony’s portable remote control device.