Son of Hamas founder who became an Israeli spy says his father and his army want to ‘annihilate the Jewish people’ and create ‘global’ Islamic state

  • Mosab Hassan Yousef worked undercover for Israel as a spy for ten years
  • His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, is a Hamas spokesman currently in custody
  • Mosab warned that Hamas “will not stop” at Palestine and wants global rule

The son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who left the terror group and served for years as an Israeli spy, warns Americans and the rest of the world how his father and his army want to “destroy” the Jewish people and impose Sharia law around the world.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the “Green Prince,” spied on Hamas for Israel between 1997 and 2007. His intelligence service prevented suicide bombings and other attacks.

In a series of interviews with US media today, he warned that his father and Hamas will not be content to take territorial Palestine alone, and that they are waging a religious war that has no end in sight for them.

‘They are a religious movement, everyone doesn’t dare say that. If Hamas were a political movement, we could satisfy their political ambitions.

‘But Hamas is a religious movement that does not believe in political boundaries; they want to establish an Islamic state on the rubble of the State of Israel.

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Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Hamas spokesman Sheikh Hassan Yousef. He served as an Israeli spy for ten years, informing against the terrorist group

Yousef warned that Hamas is driven by religion, not politics, and that fighters will not be satisfied if they take Palestine alone

Yousef warned that Hamas is driven by religion, not politics, and that fighters will not be satisfied if they take Palestine alone

They want to destroy the Jewish people and the Jewish state, they want to kill everyone who supports Israel and then establish an Islamic State.

‘But this is not the end, because their ambition is global. They ultimately want to establish an Islamic State, a global Islamic State,” he told Jake Tapper on CNN.

He also said the group starts war with the Israelis every few years when they “need money.”

‘Israel did not start this war. Hamas started this war. Hamas, blood for money, they start a war every few years if they want money, they shed children’s blood and this has to stop. This has to stop. It has to end.

‘Unfortunately the price won’t be cheap.

“I feel very sorry for Israel that they have to enter Gaza, where there are booby traps everywhere… I don’t know how many Israeli soldiers have to die to destroy Hamas.”

Yousef then appeared on Fox News, where he said the group is “more dangerous” than ISIS.

“Look at the division and global confusion because of Hamas. They have somehow brought us to our knees by their brutality and their barbarism. The brutality even underestimates the actions of Hamas.

“Hamas is a religious movement, and they are an angry religious movement against Israel. The mainstream media cannot say this because they are afraid of starting a religious war.

Palestinians carry a small child from the rubble at the site of an Israeli airstrike on October 24.  More than 5,000 Palestinians have been killed since Hamas went to war on October 7

Palestinians carry a small child from the rubble at the site of an Israeli airstrike on October 24. More than 5,000 Palestinians have been killed since Hamas went to war on October 7

The damage from the latest airstrike in Gaza

The damage from the latest airstrike in Gaza

“And what I say, it already is. They want to destroy the Jewish people because they are Jewish people, because they are a Jewish state.”

“We must expose them for what they are; they are not a national movement. If they are a religious movement, they do not believe in political boundaries, but are driven by dark hatred of a race, of a nation.”

In addition to overthrowing Hamas in Gaza, he said Israel must also eliminate the terror group’s leadership.

“In Doha, Beirut, they have to deal with the head of the snake – wherever they end up, cut off the head of the snake and let the tail die. We can overthrow them.”

Yousef’s father is among 60 Hamas leaders arrested last week after a raid on the West Bank.

Yousef's father is among 60 Hamas leaders arrested last week after a raid on the West Bank

Yousef’s father is among 60 Hamas leaders arrested last week after a raid on the West Ban