No matter the facts, romance is always a fascinating way to look back at the past. It’s easy to look back and think about the beauty, grace, elegance, and grace of past times. These values are what draw us to vintage jewels. It is also why people say, “they don’t manufacture them like this anymore” when viewing vintage jewelry collections.
Estate jewelry is considered preowned. You can find it at any age, from 30, 50 to 100 years. It may not be investment quality. The quality and quantity of gemstones used can be either commercial-grade or synthetic. Also, the quality of the artistry may be average. It is possible to label jewelry as vintage if it is under 100 years old. Be aware of whether the piece comes signed or unsigned. Other identification marks can be assay marks or hallmarks, which help identify the jewel’s location.
If a piece of jewelry is over 100 years of age, it’s considered “Antique.” It is more difficult to find antique jewelry today because it uses higher-quality material and craftsmanship. However, because of the rarity and sheer age of jewelry, the majority is too valuable to be worn. Sometimes even displayed.
Things to Remember When Investing In Vintage or Antique Jewelry
The majority (if not all) ‘of old jewelry sold isn’t antique or vintage. New pieces have been made to appear ‘older or more aged’ as the demand exceeds the supply. Research is key to any investment. You should only invest in vintage jewelry purely for its historical worth if you are an expert on the styles and works of different periods. Any unprofessional dealer/jeweller can fool an amateur.
Signed or Unsigned Pieces?
When purchasing unsigned jewelry, be sure to consider its intrinsic value, artisanship, design, and price. Unsigned articles offer incredible value as the appraiser needs to consider craft hours or associated costs. For example, the cost of labor for a piece that was created today is included along with the value of gold, diamonds, and gemstones. A signed piece, however, changes the focus.
Spend What You Can Afford
Design, quality, and wearability are key factors. Artisanship, or vice-versa, can destroy beautiful patterns. Design and high-quality workmanship should go hand–in–hand. While owning a signed piece of art is always nice, they usually come at a high price. Do your research. Look at previous sales of similar items.
Antique or Vintage Jewelry Is Only Available For Some
The value can appreciate, but it may only rise as high as you would like if the piece has an unusual design aesthetic or is historically significant. Buy more internationally-inspired jewelry to increase the chance of value appreciation.
Always Have a Long-Term View
Long-term view from an investment perspective. If you invest in quality and beauty, it will increase its value over time. You should always purchase something because it is your favorite style or design aesthetic. You will love it, wear, and treasure it for years.
Investing in antique jewelry or vintage jewelry can be both exciting and rewarding. With the right knowledge, you can start building your collection of unique pieces that will only increase in value over time. Use these tips as a guide for what to look for when investing in antique jewelry or vintage jewelry, and make sure to do your research before making any major purchases. Happy hunting!