Some of the world’s biggest telecom networks are making their APIs much easier to use


The GSMA has announced the release of open network APIs that developers hope will help provide universal access to telecom networks like never before.

Unveiled at MWC 2023 in Barcelona, ​​Open Gateway has been described as a “paradigm shift in how the telecom industry designs and delivers services in an API-driven world.”

The GSMA says Open Gateway is designed with developer-friendly tools and code in an effort to encourage developers to leverage the network APIs and deploy services more quickly and easily.

GSMA Open Gateway

Open Gateway initially launched with eight universal network APIs: SIM Swap; Quality on demand; Device Status (Connected or Roaming); verify number; Edge site selection and routing; Number verification (SMS 2FA); Carrier Billing – Check Out; and device location (verify location). In the coming year, the Open Gateway initiative plans to launch even more APIs to help developers connect to participating networks.

The work has been made possible thanks to the GSMA’s collaboration with the Linux Foundation, who have jointly launched the CAMARA open-source project, with 21 of the most prominent network operators already signed up

Early signatories include Telstra, America Movil, AT&T, Axiata, Bharti Airtel, China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, e& Group, KDDI, KT, Liberty Global, MTN, Orange, Singtel, Swisscom, STC, Telefónica, Telenor, TIM, Verizon , and Vodafone.

These are all networks that intend to facilitate the rollout of more connected technologies, including autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics and augmented reality. Use cases can extend beyond the typical consumer and other official agencies as well: the SIM Swap API, for example, would be crucial in fighting financial crime.

Developers looking to get on board with the GSMA Open Gateway can hear more about early adopter programs over the next 12 months, including through events such as Microsoft Ignite and Build and AWS re:Invent.

“Applying the concept of operator interconnection to the API economy allows developers to use technology once, for services such as identity, cybersecurity or billing, but with the potential to be integrated with any operator worldwide. This is a game-changing change in the way we design and deliver services,” says Mats Granryd, Director General of GSMA.

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