Social distancing is back (but not in the way you might think!): Health bosses urge Brits to stay 2 meters away from ALL wild birds, including pigeons and seagulls, amid fears of bird flu pandemic

Britons must keep at least 2 meters away from wild birds, according to new government advice designed to thwart the risk of a new pandemic.

In their first-ever public guidance to help Brits ‘stay safe’, officials from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) claimed that bird flu poses a ‘risk to human health’.

Bosses urged people to minimize their contact with all wild birds, including pigeons and seagulls.

Under the guidance, drawn up in partnership with the RSPCA and the Animal and Plant Health Agency, Britons are urged ‘not to handle or touch wild birds and their droppings’.

People should also always aim to keep a distance of ‘at least two metres’ ‘if possible’.

According to the UKHSA, more than 700 confirmed cases of H5N1 have been detected in wild birds in England since September 2022. Pictured above: An outbreak of bird flu last February in Queens Park, Heywood, Rochdale

British scientists tasked with developing ‘early human transmission scenarios’ of bird flu have warned that 5 percent of infected people could die if the virus spreads to humans (shown under scenario three). In another scenario, the scientists assumed that 1 percent of those infected would be hospitalized and 0.25 percent would die – similar to how deadly Covid was in the fall of 2021 (scenario one). The other saw a mortality rate of 2.5 percent (scenario two)

The UKHSA’s instructions come amid growing fears that bird flu could cause a new human pandemic.

There are no signs that the virus, which is believed to have killed millions of birds in Britain and infected poultry workers, can currently spread easily between people.

But experts have long feared that an outbreak of H5N1, with nearly 50 percent of people infected with it, is just around the corner.

It comes just a month after Beijing revealed the world’s first case of a new bird flu. A farmer in her 60s died after a two-week battle with the unprecedented H10N5 strain.

And last year, a Chinese woman became the first person to ever die from the H3N8 strain.

H5N1, which experts have identified as having pandemic potential in humans, has already fueled the world’s largest ever outbreak of bird flu.

More than 200 million domestic birds worldwide have been affected in recent years, along with countless wild birds, as well as mammals such as minks, foxes, raccoons and bears.

Experts fear the growing spread among species could cause the virus to pick up mutations that allow it to spread among humans.

The UKHSA’s advice to stay at least 2 meters away from wild birds was listed as a step for people who ‘need to handle’ the animals.

It also called on Britons to keep birds out, stating: ‘Do not bring it into your home or any enclosed area.’

Other guidelines include wearing clothing that prevents scratches or bite wounds, such as pants or long sleeves, and using masks, disposable gloves and eye protection.

Alan Gosling (pictured), a retired engineer in Devon, contracted the virus after his ducks, some of which lived in his home, became infected. No one else has contracted the virus

People are unlikely to contract bird flu from eating poultry and game birds because it is heat sensitive and cooking the poultry properly will kill the virus.

Common symptoms in humans include high fever, coughing, sore throat, muscle aches and a general feeling of malaise.

And like the common flu, it can quickly develop into severe respiratory illness and pneumonia.

Human infections occur when the virus gets into a person’s eyes, nose, or mouth or is inhaled.

Under the new guidelines, officials advised Britons to contact their regional health protection team if they have been in contact with confirmed or suspected cases of bird flu.

This may be by a healthcare or animal professional after a bird has been tested for the virus by a vet or DEFRA.

However, they warned that the risk to people remains very low and there is currently no evidence that it can spread more easily to people or between people.

Tthere have been only five cases of Britons becoming infected since the start of the current outbreak.

Retired engineer Alan Gosling – the first – contracted the virus in early 2022 after his ducks, some of which lived at his home in Devon, became infected.

What do officials advise Britons to thwart the risk of bird flu?

Under the new leadership of the UKHSA, officials have urged Britons ‘if possible’ not to ‘touch or touch wild birds and their droppings’.

If you ‘have to deal’ with the animals, you should instead:

  • Keep as much distance as possible – try to keep at least 2 meters apart if possible
  • Keep the bird outside. Do not bring it into the house or in an enclosed space
  • Wear clothing that prevents you from being injured by scratches or bites (pants and long sleeves) and disposable gloves and eye protection (e.g. goggles).
  • Wash clothing and eye protection after use
  • Dispose of gloves by placing them in a plastic bag, tying a knot in the bag and then placing them in an outdoor bin
  • If possible, wear a surgical face mask or multi-layer cloth face covering (which should be washed after use)
  • If you are taking the bird to a vet, animal welfare organization or similar, call ahead and follow their instructions about bringing the bird to them
  • If you are taking the bird in a vehicle, place it as far away from you as possible in a secure, ventilated box and keep the windows open while traveling
  • Discard any disposable items that have been or may have been contaminated by the bird by placing them in a bag, sealing the bag and throwing them in your outdoor box.
  • Use disinfectant wipes to clean all surfaces that cannot be thrown away and that are or may be contaminated by the bird

If you dispose of a dead wild bird in the household waste or municipal waste, you must:

  • Pick it up with disposable gloves or a plastic bag over your hand
  • Place the bird in a plastic bag and tie it. Make sure the bird does not touch the outside of the bag
  • Place the bag containing the bird in a second (preferably leak-proof) plastic bag, along with the gloves or plastic bag you picked it up with, and tie it off – being careful not to touch the outside of the gloves with bare hands
  • Dispose of the tied bag in your non-domestic or municipal waste bin
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

If you bury a dead wild bird you should:

  • Do not bury it near watercourses or in a place where it could contaminate local water supplies
  • Wear disposable gloves or use a plastic bag if you need to pick up the bird
  • Dig a hole at least 2 feet deep to prevent animals from digging it up
  • Don’t bury it in a plastic bag
  • If you use a plastic bag or gloves to pick up the bird, place the used gloves or bag in another bag in your outdoor household or municipal waste bin. Be careful not to touch the outside of the gloves or the inside of the bag that has been removed. in contact with the dead bird with bare hands
  • Then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
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