Soapwatch with JACI STEPHEN: I love you Mack (Sorry I stabbed you!)


You have to wonder if Mack regrets saving Charity in the crash a few months ago. After she stabbed him last week, the poor man is in hospital and now has to ask the police questions about his ordeal.

When Charity is released from police custody, she visits him and confesses her love. Too bad he’s unconscious, but the intentions are still good.

When Mack leaves the hospital and tries to reconcile with her, she tells him to leave, fearing she will hurt him. After being given a heartbreaking ultimatum, she takes refuge in a bottle of whiskey. Interesting. For distressed locals, vodka is usually the drowning of choice.

Maybe everyone is still trying to restock after Smirnoff Queen Liv’s booze binges, and cognac is a no-no because Kim guzzles it all down at Cognac Towers.

Feeling guilty, Charity sneaks into Mack’s hospital room and confesses her love to him while he is unconscious

It’s Cain who comes to the rescue, suggesting Charity has guidance. You know your life is at a low point when you need Cain for emotional support.

But oh yeah, this is the new touchy-feely Cain, who a few weeks ago feared he was losing his grip as the man he once was. That’s you, Cain. Get a grip.


What does Emmerdale’s Rhona really want?

“Full custody and no Gus would be perfect,” says Zoe Henry (Rhona).

“But that’s not reality, so it’s as much contact with Ivy as she can get.”

It doesn’t look like that will happen anytime soon, when an argument between Ruby and Caleb at the Woolpack prompts him to intervene. Unfortunately, the confrontation ends with Cain being kneed in the crotch.

That can’t be good news for Moira, who is already worried that Cain has a faulty gene. Just that one? I’d say there’s a whole army of them swimming around in that body.

It’s another week full of aggression and even the mild-mannered Marlon joins the fray, with Gus falling to the ground after a scuffle.

Gus refuses to accept Marlon’s apology and nevertheless proposes a compromise to Rhona, in which they would both end up in Ivygate with a not guilty verdict. Can he be trusted if he agrees to allow Rhona access to the baby and cancels the house sale?

Meanwhile, Tom gives Belle the silent treatment when she gets a job from Suzy. Be grateful, Belle. The less he opens his mouth, the better.


Why does Corrie drag out its boring storylines for what feels like decades, yet nip juicier storylines in the bud? The Mason/Liam thing just limps along and gets nowhere. You cover a greater distance when you walk on a leash with a stone.

Tracy (pictured) is having an affair with Tommy

Tracy (pictured) is having an affair with Tommy

Likewise, the Adam/Harvey scenario is ridiculous, with Adam turning into the kind of mafia associate with a penchant for leaving horse heads in beds.

And yet Tracy’s affair with Tommy has been revealed before it has barely begun. When Tim tells Tracy that he knows about the affair, he insists that she tell Steve. But if Tracy agrees to Steve’s proposal to renew their vows, will Tim reveal everything when Steve asks him to be his best man?

How will Ken and Amy react when Tracy tells them about her affair? What does it mean for Sally’s unfinished bathroom when Tim declares he wants Tommy gone?

Considering how quickly Tommy completed the job, he could do the entire house in five minutes. I’ve never seen such a fast decorator. He would have had the Sistine Chapel finished and dusted in less time than it took the Pope to say, “Bless you, my son.”

Daisy is just like Bethany, a snake

Despite their rivalry, do Corrie’s Daisy and Bethany have more in common than they know? “Daisy thinks Bethany is a snake,” says Charlotte Jordan (Daisy). “Just out for herself and not caring who she hurts in the process – which is actually a lot like Daisy.”

And how will Ryan’s return affect them? “I think Daisy will welcome him back with open arms,” ​​says Charlotte. “I’d like them to give it a try and see what happens.”


Nish attacks Kat after she bungles his scam

You would think that after his skull was smashed in, Nish would have gotten the message that Walford might not be the best place for him. But he carries on day in and day out, still dragging the remains of the snake pit that was clearly his training ground.

Now he’s after Phil’s fortune and introduces Kat to a dodgy divorce lawyer as a sneaky way to get his hands on Phil’s money. I really wish someone would explain the source of Phil’s “fortune.” He’s conjured up £50,000 out of thin air in the kidnapping scam, and the Bank of Phil is where everyone runs when they need money.

With his eye on Kat's fortune, Nish introduces her to a shady divorce lawyer with the intention of getting his hands on Phil's money.

With his eye on Kat’s fortune, Nish introduces her to a shady divorce lawyer with the intention of getting his hands on Phil’s money.

However, you have to get up very early to catch Kat, and knowing about Nish’s motivations, she comes up with a plan. It backfires when Nish gets wind of it, and Kat has to fend off an attack from him and run to Stacey.

How did Stacey manage to become a walking Samaritan center anyway? Jack also seeks comfort from her when Denise refuses to see him when he visits. I can think of better ways to cope if I don’t have to see Denise – drinking ten celebratory pints in the pub is the least.