So who is the acolyte’s master? We think episode 4 makes it pretty clear

The acolyte is keeping the identity of the mysterious Sith Master a secret, but – in our humble opinion – it couldn’t be more obvious.

(Ed. remark: This post is about the ending of episode 4 of The acolyte; spoilers are below.)

For a moment, things look very bad for the Master: Mae (Amandla Stenberg) and her loyalties have switched to the Jedi, leaving her mission unfulfilled. But when she comes to the home of Jedi Master Kelnacca and finds him dead (cast one for a real one), the house surrounded, and herself under suspicion, who should show up but her Master? Even in a roughly four-on-one battle, it’s a slam dunk.

Not many can hold their own like this, even with the terrifying power of the Dark Side. But now that the Master has bared his teeth – literally, with that dirty helmet – we’ve gotten a better idea of ​​who they are.

The answer is so clear!! Just ask any of us.

The Master is… Qimir

Image: Lucasfilm

If it wasn’t clear enough before, it’s certainly clear now. We last see Qimir (Manny Jacinto) when he gets caught in Mae’s trap and begs her to abandon him and not defect to the other side. But us Real last see Qimir as he shows up to fight all the Jedi and show off the finer points of his mask.

Let’s look at the facts, shall we? He has been removed from the story (opportunity); he is thus far scanned as cunning and full of deceit (resources) in a way that Star Wars characters historically are not; and his conversations with Mae in this episode seemed remarkably…charged (motif, or whatever we want to call it). And what better way to watch his plan unfold as he masterfully shapes it? It worked for Sauron, after all. —Zosha Millman

The Master is… a third sister

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) in The Acolyte.  She stands in a fighting stance in a wooden slatted building, holding a small dagger in one hand.  The bottom of her face is covered with a cloth mask.

Image: Lucasfilm

Boy, it looks like it’s Manny Jacinto’s character, Qimir, right? And like the writers are playing that off as some big secret? But I guess so The acolyte is smarter than that. This show is fundamentally built around withholding as much information as possible from the audience, which sometimes makes for a pretty confusing experience. So I suspect the writers also left out another fundamental fact. Mae and Osha are not twins, but triplets, and the third, missing sister is the secret Sith Master.

Think about it. Star Wars has already done the Force dyad thing. How do you repeat that idea, make it more exciting and raise the stakes? I give you: the Force triad. Where was their third sister during the flashbacks of The acolyte episode 3? No idea. Perhaps she doesn’t get along with Mae any better than Osha, and has chosen to express that more forcefully by avoiding both of them. Perhaps she had a Force premonition about which way the wind was blowing for the coven, and jumped ship long before the events of Episode 3. Perhaps Mother Koril, the Zabrak coven member, realized that Mother Aniseya would undermine her in raising their daughters. and hid the third girl from herself, which made the lost daughter so angry and lonely that she turned to the Dark Side.

Or, I don’t know, maybe the secret Sith Master is three Baby Yodas in a trench coat and helmet. Wouldn’t that be a headline grabber? —Tasja Robinson

The Master is… Mother Koril

Five witches from coven on Brendok, with Mother Koril (Margarita Levieva) in the middle, in a screenshot from Star Wars The Acolyte

Image: Lucasfilm

Episode 3 of The acolyte what matters is what the story is it didn’t shows: what really caused the book fire to spread uncontrollably; whatever the Jedi did to Brendok was so traumatic that Master Torbin dedicated his life to the art of levitation; and the body of Mother Koril, the Zabrak witch and birth mother of Mae and Osha, who should be right to be angry about a lot of things!

Mother Koril is one of the more obvious answers to being the Force wielder behind the wide Sith mask, almost making me doubt my own theory. But the evidence here is strong; Koril is said to have the motive (her wife and all her friends are dead!), has a deep bond with her daughter/student Mae, and has probably learned some powerful arcane things about the dark side of the world over the past decade. Power. Plus, she’s the ideal candidate to save Mae from what seemed like certain death on Brendok. Zabrak knows how to survive a deadly fall into a cavernous pit. —Michael McWhertor

The Master is… Vernestra Rwoh

Vernestra Rwoh (Rebecca Henderson) in close-up

Image: Lucasfilm

Like a Star Wars fan, I have a bad feeling about this obstructionist Jedi Master. And like a Star Trek fan, I know one thing: if there’s one official in the hierarchy who will stand among the heroes and investigate the mystery, that official will do it. Certainly turn out to be involved in the mystery before the end of the story.

You might say to me, “Susana, Rebecca Henderson is married to the showrunner. Leslye Headland wouldn’t make it woman the bad guy.” And I would say that if you make someone a bad guy, it just gives him or her a bigger role.

You might say, “But Vernestra Rwoh is about the only character in the show who comes from the High Republic books!” They wouldn’t turn an established good guy into a bad guy!” And I would say that the last time we saw Master Rwoh, she was so disillusioned with the Jedi Order that she has officially divested itself of it to seek a life of isolation in the remote spaces of the Milky Way. How did she rise from there to become a premier Jedi Knight? Did she climb those ranks just to split the organization from within? J’OBJECTED! —Susana Polo

The Master is… Keef Girgo

Diego Luna as Cassian Andor posing as Keef Girgo, wearing a tan vest as he pleads in court while a green alien guard stands behind him with a weapon in hand

Image: Lucasfilm

Who is Keef Girgo, you may ask? WHO is not Keef Girgo looks more like it. Keef Girgo is the fake name Cassian Andor goes to prison under Andor. At first glance, it seems like just another really silly Star Wars name. But what if… it was more??? What if Keef Girgo was actually a long-dead Sith Lord (with a very silly Star Wars name), and Andor grabbed the first name that came to mind when confronted by Empire forces? What if Keef Girgo is the pendulum on which the galaxy swings?

Reader, on this point I have to agree with you. I wanted to type Keef Girgo again. I missed it so much. I needed my fix. So I leave you with how I ended my previous post about Keef Girgo:

Loves. Gergo. Loves! Gergo! Say it loud, and (cantina) music plays. Say it softly and it’s almost like (a tauntaun) braying. Keep Girgo! I can’t stop saying Keef Girgo! —Piet Volk

The Master is… Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks stands and talks to Qui Gon and Obi Wan in Star Wars: Episode 1

Image: Lucasfilm

I’ve never been a fan of the Sith Lord Jar Jar theory, but if Lucasfilm is going to do it, now is the time. For those who don’t know, a fan theory on Reddit sparked the idea that perhaps Jar Jar Binks wasn’t quite who he portrayed himself to be. In fact, the theory wonders, what if he was just pretending to be a bumbling idiot because he was actually the secret, super-powered Sith Lord who manipulated even Palpatine himself.

On its face, this theory is wildly silly, which is at least half the fun. So why bother making it canon now? Good, The acolyte is in a precarious position. On the one hand, it must reveal someone as the mysterious Master following Mae. On the other hand, as other people here have pointed out, there aren’t many good options in the show itself, and there aren’t even that many great options in the larger Star Wars canon. So why not shake it up? Why not reveal that Jar Jar is not just a Sith Lord, but a near-immortal who has been working against the Jedi and Yoda for almost as long as either of them have been alive – all the way back to the days of the High Republic.

Did you think Star Wars was the story of the Skywalkers? No, with this The acolyte would reveal that it’s actually about a thousand-year war between two equally crazy creatures who hate each other’s guts. —Austen Goslin