Small dogs live TWICE as long as larger pooches – but age much more rapidly, study finds

They’re often called ‘man’s best friend’, but a new study has found that when it comes to aging, not all dogs are created equal.

Research shows that smaller dogs live twice as long as their larger counterparts.

However, these little cubs age much faster than the larger pouches, according to experts from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

Based on the findings, experts recommend choosing dogs that weigh between 22 lbs and 66 lbs (10-30 kg), such as Welsh Corgis, Whippets, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Schnauzers.

For those who want a smaller sized dog but don’t want to risk serious mental health problems in old age or want a larger dog but don’t want to risk physical health problems at age 7-8, we recommend a dog from the 10-30 kg size range,” said Borbála Turcsán, lead author of the study.

They’re often called ‘man’s best friend’, but a new study has found that when it comes to aging, not all dogs are created equal. (chihuahua stock image)

Research has found that smaller dogs live twice as long as their larger counterparts (bottom right graph). However, these little pups age much faster than the larger pooches (bottom left graph) and have more severe symptoms of aging (top right graph), according to experts from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

While previous studies have shown that smaller dogs live longer, the team sought to understand how size affects dogs, in terms of cognitive abilities.

The researchers analyzed data on 15,000 dogs, including their age, behavior and cognitive function.

They also assessed the size, head shape and purebred status of each puppy.

Their analysis found that, on average, behavioral and cognitive aging in dogs begins around 10.5 years.

However, the onset of aging, as well as the rate of aging, depends on the dog’s body size.

Dogs weighing over 66 lbs (30 kg) show an earlier onset of age-related decline (between two and three years of age) but show a slower rate of cognitive decline.

“Older dogs experience a physical breakdown at an earlier age, and accumulated diseases and degradation in sensory functions lead to ‘old age behaviour’ long before their mental decline begins,” said Ms Turcsán. Pictured: a standing image of a Great Dane

Medium-sized dog breeds

If you’re considering getting a dog, researchers suggest choosing a medium breed that weighs between 22 and 66 lbs (10-30 kg).

According to the American Kennel Club, this includes:

  • Shibu Inu (23 lbs)
  • Cocker Spaniel (25-30 lbs)
  • Whippets (25-40 lbs)
  • Irish Terriers (27 lbs)
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers (28-38 lbs)
  • Skye Terriers (35-45 lbs)
  • Bearded Collies (45-55lbs)
  • Setter (42-60 lbs)
  • Siberian Husky (45-60 lbs)

“Older dogs experience a physical breakdown at an earlier age, and accumulated diseases and degradation in sensory functions lead to ‘old age behaviour’ long before their mental decline begins,” said Ms Turcsán.

In contrast, dogs weighing less than 7kg were four times more likely to have cognitive decline in old age.

Digging deeper into the data, the team found that long-nosed dogs like greyhounds, as well as purebreds, have a higher risk of cognitive decline in old age compared to short-faced dogs like pugs and French bulldogs. .

Interestingly, the study found that owners start to see their dogs as ‘old’ around the age of six – regardless of their size.

“Owners consider their dogs ‘old’ four to five years earlier than would be expected from behavioral data,” said Enikő Kubinyi, an author of the study.

“This could be due to grays and barely visible changes.”

Overall, the findings suggest that body size not only affects a dog’s lifespan, but also its health lifespan.

If you’re considering getting a dog, researchers suggest choosing a medium breed that weighs between 22 and 66 lbs (10-30 kg).

According to the American Kennel Club, this includes breeds such as Shibu Inu (23lbs), Cocker Spaniels (25-30lbs), Whippets (25-40lbs) and Staffordshire Bull Terriers (28-38lbs).

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