Sleep expert claims that the side of the bed you sleep on says a lot about your personality

  • It is believed that left side sleepers are more creative, calmer and more confident
  • But those who sleep on the right side are said to typically make more money
  • READ MORE: Poor sleep, even in middle age, increases the risk of memory problems







Whether you sleep on the left or right side of the bed says a lot about the type of person you are, experts say.

Those on the left are thought to be more creative and confident, while those on the right are more logical and analytical.

In a 2021 survey of 2,000 Americans, participants were asked which side of the bed they slept on and how they would describe their personality.

The left or right side of the bed was defined from the perspective of standing at the foot of the bed, looking towards the headboard.

Sleep expert claims that the side of the bed you

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Slumber Cloud, found that those who sleep on the left side were more likely to report traits associated with a more relaxed character type, such as cheerful and imaginative.

Those who slept on the right side were generally negative in nature. However, they also often earned more money.

Hope Bastine, psychologist and sleep expert at sleep technology mattress company Simba, said Cosmopolitan that these findings are supported by previous research showing that people who sleep on the left side are likely to be happier than their right-sided counterparts.

She added: ‘A positive outlook allows lefties to cope better with a heavy workload, meaning they don’t suffer as easily from a stressful day.

‘Those who sleep on the left believe they are calmer than their partner in a crisis and are generally more confident.’

It was also reported that people who sleep on the left side are believed to have greater job satisfaction than those who sleep on the right side.

While they may have a more pessimistic outlook, people who sleep on the right side are more likely to stay grounded and prepared for worst-case scenarios, Ms. Bastine said.

They are also more likely to lean politically to the right, while those on the left are more likely to fall on the left side of the political spectrum.

The research did not suggest why these traits might occur.

However, experts have previously suggested that the choice of sleeping position may be influenced by different activity levels between the two hemispheres of the brain.

For example, brain areas involved in emotions may be more active on the left side in some cases, which could explain the side preference.

The research also highlighted that other factors, such as convenience, play a role in choosing which side of the bed people sleep on.

In the survey, 40 percent of people said they choose the side of the bed that is easier for them to get in and out of, and 30 percent of people said they decide based on what their partner prefers.

Another 2015 survey by Saatva Mattress found that the majority of Americans – 60 percent – ​​prefer to sleep on the left side of the bed.

The study also found that 58 percent of men sleep on their right side, as do 50 percent of women.