Skip breakfast and you can enjoy one of these delicious feasts while seeing the pounds fall off…


Anyone who has struggled to lose a few pounds may be skeptical that you can indulge in smashed avocado, fried halloumi, kedgeree, or a chorizo ​​omelet for brunch every day and still lose up to 5 pounds a week.

But on my new Fast 800 keto plan, you absolutely can.

That’s because by closely following the latest research and connecting with top nutritional scientists, I’ve perfected my approach to weight loss. I’ve created a clever three-stage process that promises fast results and sustained leanness, while eating good amounts of real food.

If you want to lose a lot of pounds quickly (which studies show is very motivating and the best way to tackle type 2 diabetes), why not skip breakfast and start your day with one of these hearty lunchtime lunches?

Dr. Michael Mosley has combined the best elements of his Fast 800 and 5:2 diets to fuel your weight loss. In an exclusive excerpt from his wife Dr. Clare Bailey’s new book, he reveals all (pictured together)

There is compelling science behind the health and weight loss benefits of ‘time-restricted eating’ (which means mashing your meals into a 12, ten, or even eight hour window).

Combine this with restricting calories to 800-900 per day to mimic fasting and you end up with an extremely healthy yet powerfully effective weight loss plan. Encourages the body to enter ketosis, a natural state where it burns fat for fuel.

Breaking your overnight fast with one of these healthy, high-protein dishes will also keep your hunger at bay for longer. And you can continue with a dinner of chicken piri-piri, turkey burgers, or sausage casserole and, if you follow the rules carefully, you might still find room for a chocolate peanut butter cookie, as long as you stick to a daily intake. 800-900 calories.

The science of weight loss has come a long way since the days of cabbage soup, lemon juice, social isolation, and boring abstinence.

The amazing thing about the recipes created by my wife, Dr. Clare Bailey, in close collaboration with Kathryn Bruton, is that they have been carefully calibrated to meet the requirements of my weight loss plan.

They are all based on the proven super healthy principles of the Mediterranean diet.

By keeping a close eye on the latest research and collaborating with top nutritional scientists, I have honed my approach to weight loss.

There is compelling science behind the health and weight loss benefits of ‘time-restricted eating’

The science of weight loss has come a long way since the days of cabbage soup, lemon juice, social isolation, and boring abstinence.

They’re high in protein (known to keep muscles strong and keep hunger at bay), low in carbs (so your body can easily hit a turbocharged keto button to burn fat), and carefully count calories, too.

For a slow but steady path to weight loss, intersperse your 800-900 calorie “fasting days” with more relaxed “non-fasting” days (following a 5:2 or 3:4 intermittent fasting pattern). You can still use these recipes, but increase your portion sizes and add healthy carbs like whole grain bread or noodles, brown rice, or starchy vegetables.

Find recipe videos and tips on Instagram #drclarebailey

MEDICAL NOTE: Quick weight loss is not right for everyone. If you are frail, have a significant underlying medical condition, use insulin, have type 2 diabetes and take medication, take blood pressure medication, have moderate or severe retinopathy, or have epilepsy or gallstones, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please talk to your doctor before following this diet. It is not suitable for adolescents, people with a history of an eating disorder, a psychiatric illness, or those who are unwell, are underweight, or engage in resistance exercise.

Excerpted by Louise Atkinson from The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book by Dr Clare Bailey, Kathryn Bruton and Dr Michael Mosley, published by Short Books @ £18.99

Join the Fast 800 online program with your free trial today at

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