Six tourists are injured when rhinos charge their car in India


Six tourists are injured when rhinos charge their car in India: the vehicle rolls over and falls into a ditch as the safari guide tries to get away from the enraged beasts

  • Rhinos were filmed hijacking a vehicle in Jaldapara National Park, West Bengal
  • Six injured people were reportedly treated at the Madarihat health centre.

This is the moment when six tourists were injured when their safari car overturned in a ditch while their guide desperately tried to back away from two enraged rhinos.

The footage shows the two beasts emerging from roadside vegetation in India’s Jaldapara National Park in West Bengal as visitors snapped photos from the rear of the vehicle.

But their guide immediately stepped on the accelerator, reversing at high speed as the animals ran down the path towards them.

Panicked tourists could be heard screaming before the jeep skidded off the road and fell onto its roof with passengers trapped below.

The two angry rhinos could then be seen running alongside the disabled vehicle.

First, the tourists seemed to be leaning out of the jeep and filming something in the bushes.

Six people were said to have been injured during the incident and had been treated at the Madarihat health centre, according to News 18.

Following the incident, Akash Deep Badhawan, an official with the Indian Forest Services (IFS), tweeted that more security measures are needed on safari drives in the country.

He said: ‘I think it is about time guidelines for adventure sports safety and rescue are put in place on wildlife safaris across the country. Safaris are becoming more adventure sports now! Jada for today!

Twitter was also inundated with comments from others about the amazing video.

One user wrote: ‘Why do we have unsafe open vehicles instead of covered vehicles for our safaris?’

Another added: “New fear successfully unlocked.”

Jaldapara is a tropical grassland national park located in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas.

It is said to be one of the largest homes for the critically endangered great one horned rhinoceros, in addition to a variety of other animals such as Asian elephants.

The footage shows the two beasts emerging from the vegetation on the side of the road.

The jeep backs up as a motorbike and another vehicle also start to drive away.

Panicked tourists scream and scream before a jeep rolls over and falls into a ditch.

Six people were reportedly injured and treated at the Madarihat health centre.

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