Mother calls out ‘bogan’ behaviour after kids running wild at her local cafe trashed the children’s play area the business owner had just built by hand

A frustrated mother has criticized ‘bogans’ who let their children run wild in public spaces after children destroyed the hand-built playpen at her favorite cafe.

Millie, from Townsville, posted a video to TikTok criticizing the parents of an unsupervised child who destroyed the playground at Sirens Bayside cafe in the North Queensland city on May 31.

The mother of one hit out at any adults who would let their children do something like that in a public place, calling the act ‘low class’.

“On a quiet note, if you take your kids to a cafe with a playground and you think that’s automatic permission to let your kids run wild and destroy the place you’re not supposed to take your kids to,” she said.

The cafe’s owner, Natalie Giofre, 36, built the playground by hand earlier this year and said her staff were too busy that day to notice the children running around outside.

Millie, a mother of one, has criticized ‘low-class bogan parents’ who allowed their children to run amok in public areas after her favorite cafe’s playground was destroyed on May 31.

The playground at Sirens Bayside cafe, in Townsville, Queensland, was torn apart by a child whose mother told the owner it was not her job to supervise her child

The playground at Sirens Bayside cafe, in Townsville, Queensland, was torn apart by a child whose mother told the owner it was not her job to supervise her child

Mrs. Giofre told it Yahoo News she went outside to find that “the children’s corner was completely destroyed that morning.”

“The door was ripped off the cubicle, it was all jagged and the nails were hanging out,” she told the publication.

The owner added that the mother of the child who destroyed the playground “did nothing” during the incident.

Later that same day, Ms. Giofre said she saw another child throwing rocks and dumping them in a cubicle, prompting her to approach the mother who rejected the behavior.

‘[The mother] was quite adamant and just said, ‘I’m not here to worry about what my kids are doing… if I have to worry about my kids breaking something or making a mess, then I’ll take them just take it to the park,” she said.

Ms Giofre discussed the incident online, where Millie heard about it and urged her to do so drive past the cafe and discover that the playground has now been removed.

‘The damage was so bad they had to remove the playground. I hope they fix it and put it back,” Millie said in her video.

‘Everyone moans that Townsville doesn’t have nice cafes or facilities, but when a cafe owner goes out of their way to make their space nice, this is what happens.

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter how expensive your workout clothes are, if you’re not going to take care of your kids, that’s just low-grade behavior.”

Mrs Giofre runs café Sirens

The hand-built play area

Mrs Giofre (left), who runs Café Sirens, built the playground by hand (right)

The play area has now been removed, but Millie says she hoped it would return

The play area has now been removed, but Millie says she hoped it would return

Formerly a marine biologist, Ms Giofre left this work to launch the café

Formerly a marine biologist, Ms Giofre left this work to launch the café

Ms Giofre agreed with Millie’s assessment and told the publication that it is the parents’ responsibility to supervise their children, not the cafe staff.

‘We don’t run a daycare center [and] we are not here to make sure your kids don’t vandalize the yard, break things or misbehave,” Ms. Giofre said.

Other people who watched Millie’s video agreed with the cafe owner, with many agreeing that it is “unacceptable” to let go of a child.

“Honestly, the worst part about parenting is other parents,” one person said.

“One hundred percent agree, I also live in Townsville and I have seen so many times parents let their children destroy their property and have no remorse,” another added.

‘Also allowing children to harass staff carrying hot food! It is not safe.’

‘Why do parents think it’s okay not to actively supervise their children in a playground? That surprises me,” said a third.

“My sister-in-law literally lets her kids play hide and seek in pubs,” one woman admitted.

‘I work in a café with a small playground, we had a mini café. I bought piles of wooden food toys, all of which were destroyed or stolen within two weeks,” said another.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Ms Giofre and Sirens for comment.