A single Australian woman has expressed her frustrations with dating in Sydney, saying the men have a ‘lack of maturity, lack of commitment and lack of foresight’.
Elle said Sydney’s dating scene is “malfunctioning” because there is an abundance of great women looking to commit, but the men are not looking for a long-term relationship.
The singleton said she has noticed Sydney men are more superficial, don’t make an effort in dating and jump from one woman to another when things aren’t ‘easy’.
‘My single male friends can literally find a beautiful, smart, friendly, driven woman to go on a date with every week. I have guy friends who can find a unicorn of a woman every week,” Elle said.
‘As a woman, I can’t even find one man who has tickled my fancy enough for me to actually meet. I mean it, this is how dire it is, it’s the top of the funnel, that’s the problem.”
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Elle said Sydney’s dating scene is “malfunctioning” because there is an abundance of great women looking to commit, but the men are not looking for a long-term relationship.
Elle noted that rising beauty standards were a contributing factor to Sydney’s “really worrying” dating scene.
“When we look at reality TV 10 years ago and people who were the epitome of beauty back then, or even just rom-coms, versus today, it’s very clear that the standard of beauty has shifted,” she said.
‘Normally that’s more the case for women, because there are more women having cosmetic surgeries etc. that fit into that picture.’
Elle said men have a choice when it comes to finding a “beautiful woman.”
“We live in a world where I walk down the street and think, ‘F***, it would be a great time to be a lesbian,’ because the women are so beautiful,” she joked.
“They’re all nice, they’re all smart, they’re well educated, they’re dissatisfied with the dating scene, they seem willing to commit, the ones I know. What an era it is for men to find a woman, there are millions of incredible women.’
Elle said she thinks men have an “illusion of choice” that makes them unwilling to commit to a relationship.
“There are so many great options in general, so if it’s not easy, they just let it go,” she said.
The singleton said she has noticed Sydney men are more superficial, don’t make an effort in dating and jump from one woman to another when things aren’t ‘easy’ (stock image)
She added that people have pointed out that it can be difficult for women to find men in Sydney due to its “transient” nature and tendency to attract “shallow” people.
Elle said she was the last single before 2020 and her last partner wasn’t Aussie, so she’s reintroducing herself to how the guys Down Under date.
“Australian men are just a strange breed to me… I don’t want to generalize, I don’t want to be rude, but it gives men a child, everyone I’ve talked to; lack of maturity, lack of commitment, lack of forethought,” she said.
She said she has noticed that Sydney men’s Instagram following looks like they “went to an all-girls school” while following “600 girls on Instagram that he doesn’t know personally.”
‘It’s bizarre, it’s actually a bit sick. My future husband is definitely just catching a fish somewhere with 200 followers and just living his life and being a man of values - is that too much to ask?’ she asked.
Elle said many of her overseas friends have also struggled with the dating scene in Sydney.
‘They all tell me Sydney is the worst place I’ve ever been to date, the men here are all very childish, they’re not very progressive, they don’t treat you very well, they don’t approach you, they don’t take initiative , they don’t plan much,” she said.
“They’re floating around and they want you to, I don’t know, see them surfing or something — it’s really weird.”
Elle’s ‘nice’ male friends have apparently told her she’s ‘crazy’ for looking for a long-term partner.
‘They tell me about the dates they go on with girls and they give me the men’s point of view. In so many cases, these guys in their mid-to-late 20s aren’t even dating with the intention of finding a woman and settling down,” she said.
“It’s so strange to me because that’s my only intention when I’m dating, that’s my only intention since I was 16, call me crazy.”
Elle shared her thoughts in a series of TikTok videos and many Australian women were quick to agree with her beautiful shots.
“Sydney has one of the highest beauty standards for women and you will find that the balance between attractive men and women has really been thrown off,” said one viewer.
‘I’ve had this exact conversation four times in the past week with my single friends. It’s time we hold a press conference,” replied a second.
“Yes yes yes, as a single girl in Sydney, yes to everything you said,” another commented.
“I’ve been single for almost five years because it’s really a small crop,” one person added.