Sinatanika Shrine location and walkthrough in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Sinatanika Shrine is a shrine within The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomregions of Akkala Highlands.

Our guide will help you find the location of the Sinatanika Shrine, complete the trials and guide you through the “Combat Training: Sneakstrikechallenge to collect the chest and Light of blessing.

When you’re done, our shrine locations page or interactive Hyrule map can lead you to something else.

Sinatanika Shrine location

The Sinatanika Shrine is located in the Akkala Highlands region. The shrine is easily reached by running around the Surface of Hyrule. The exact coordinates are (3839, 2301, 0048).

Sinatanika Shrine walkthrough

As the name of the puzzle suggests, this shrine teaches you to get the perfect thing done sneak strike – a technique you can use when approaching an enemy unnoticed from behind. You can move quieter while wearing certain gear, such as the Stealth Armor, but we’ve completed this shrine with a set that doesn’t encourage stealth.

1. There is a stationary Zonai construction in the center of the room surrounded by low walls. Press the L stick to crouch and walk around slowly.

2. While staying in a crouch, walk around the outside of the low walls to calmly move to the other end of the room.

3. There are openings in the walls, so make sure the Zonai construction is not facing Link as you pass through the openings. (If you don’t perform a Sneakstrike, you’ll be sent back to the front of the room and must try again.)

4. Walk around the walls to the opposite side of where you started so that Link is directly behind the Zonai building.

5. While still crouched, slowly walk behind the Zonai construction without being noticed. If you do this correctly, an option will appear on the screen where you can press Y to Sneakstrike. If you do the Sneakstrike, the shrine will congratulate you and let you start a new challenge.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

6. For the second challenge, the Zonai construction will move a bit more. Again, you have to sneak behind it. The key here is to sneak while it surveys an area.

7. While the Zonai construction is looking into a certain area, calmly walk behind it and do the Snreakstrike again. You may need to cut through the midrange like we did. It shouldn’t detect you as long as you move slowly enough.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

8. The door to the next room opens. Walk over and open the chest to get one Secret elixir and you can Light of blessing.

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