Simon Rimmer is replaced on Sunday Brunch days after his father’s death

Simon Rimmer is replaced on Sunday brunch days after his father’s death as the show is hit with a second emergency to resolve

Simon Rimmer was replaced on Sunday Brunch this weekend, days after his father Peter died aged 89.

Miquita Oliver, 39, filled in for tragedy-stricken Simon, 60, to co-host the Channel 4 show with Tim Lovejoy, 55.

The show was hit with a second crisis, when the scheduled chef pulled out at the last minute due to a “family emergency.”

With Greek Cypriot chef Georgina Hayden unable to be around to prepare tasty dishes, host Tim stepped up to the plate and created a feast using her recipes.

At the start of the show, Tim revealed, “Miquita Oliver is here. As you may know, Simon [Rimmer] stepped off the show this week. We send him our love.’

Stand-in: Simon Rimmer, 60, was replaced on Sunday Brunch this weekend, days after his father Peter died aged 89. Miquita Oliver, 39, co-hosted the show with Tim Lovejoy, 55

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Sad news: On Friday, Simon shared that his father Peter had passed away at the age of 89 when he posted a photo of them together on social media

Sad news: On Friday, Simon shared that his father Peter had passed away at the age of 89 when he posted a photo of them together on social media

Quick change!  Sunday Brunch was hit with a second crisis, when the planned chef, Georgina Hayden, pulled out at the last minute due to a 'family emergency'

Quick change! Sunday Brunch was hit with a second crisis, when the planned chef, Georgina Hayden, pulled out at the last minute due to a ‘family emergency’

Miquita then announced, “Georgina Hayden was supposed to cook for Simon this week, but unfortunately she’s had a family emergency, so Tim cooks!” Shall I call you Chef Tim today?’

“Chef Lovejoy,” Tim replied, while Miquita asked, “Chef Lovejoy, what are you making?”

He explained, “Well it was weird because last night I got the text going, ‘Can you cook on the show tomorrow?’ ” [and I was like], ‘Real???’ Yes that’s me! So I make Georgina’s recipes.’

“Oh yes, so you’re taking recipes from a pretty great chef!” said Miquita.

The duo was joined by Ellie Taylor, Judge Rob Rinder, actor Nick Mohammed, Bridget Christie and Olivia Dean.

On Friday, Simon shared that his father had passed away, posted a photo of them together on social media and wrote: “It is with great sadness that I must announce the death of my hero, my father Peter.”

As Sunday Brunch aired, the TV chef updated fans on how he was coping with the loss by uploading a photo of himself with his dog Cali.

He wrote alongside it: ‘I am overwhelmed by all the beautiful messages about my father. We take it day by day and take care of each other and especially my mother. A windy walk with Cali in New Brighton while I talked to Dad helped x.’

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Update: During the Sunday Brunch broadcast, the TV chef updated fans on how he was coping with the loss by uploading a photo of himself with his dog Cali

Update: During the Sunday Brunch broadcast, the TV chef updated fans on how he was coping with the loss by uploading a photo of himself with his dog Cali

In 2018, Simon shared that his late father was diagnosed with cancer as a child.

Speak against The mind maphe described his father’s health struggle as his biggest life challenge to date.

He said, “Looking back, to my childhood, I remember when I was nine years old and my father was diagnosed with cancer and told he had very little chance of survival – he is now 84 and still going strong.

“I remember my dad was a very strong person and I remember him using that when he was battling his illness – he had the power of positivity and mental agility and that has always stayed with me.”